Physics 10-16-24 Forces & Equilibrium

PHYSICS: So, how is the balance in your life? Here’s discussion of net force, equilibrium, and equilibrants. Were you experiencing a little déjà vu? Great job putting everything together from the last chapter!

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7 thoughts on “Physics 10-16-24 Forces & Equilibrium

  1. This semester, my goal will be to stay on top of my work. All the labs that must be done and studying and projects, if they pile up, can be a lot like traffic. One car slows, even just a little bit, and the whole line behind it has to slow down. This affects the whole road, causing an anomaly and making it not run smoothly. My goal is to keep the road going smoothly, so that, when the deadlines come, I’m not racing at 90 miles per hour trying to make it to my destination on time, but instead I’m coasting in at 20 with time to spare.

  2. This semester, my goal is to make an A on a test. To accomplish this, I will start my studying a couple of days before the test (as opposed to my usual day before procrastination). I will also work to fully understand all problems on my homework and worksheets.

  3. My goal for this nine weeks is to make an A on a physics test. For this to be accomplished, I need to work through problems I do not understand the day I decide I do not understand them. I will work a little bit and build my understanding until test day. I’m basically saying I will start studying sooner for the tests than I have been in the past. Another goal of mine is staying encouraged while failing. I get down on myself really hard if I do not achieve my set goal, but life is an oscillating line, not a linear one going up.

  4. This term my goal is to have an A for the term. To accomplish this I will make sure I complete all my webposts and work ahead to study for tests.

  5. For this term, my goal is to make higher grades on my test. I will do this by consistently studying the week before the test rather than studying only a night or two before. I will practice problems consistently and make sure to ask questions in class. I will try to get better sleep, so I can fully focus on the current problems and make the most of my class time.

  6. For this term, my goal is to make higher grades on my test. I will do this by consistently studying the week before the test rather than studying only a night or two before. I will practice problems consistently and make sure to ask questions in class so that I will fully understand the concept. I will try to get better sleep, so I can fully focus on the current problems and make the most of my class time.

  7. This semester, my goal is to get an A on a Physics test. I have only 1 or 2 A’s on a test in the past 3 science classes, and have had at least 12 89’s, so my goal is to break into the A’s. Mostly, it’s a formatting and showing my work clearly and well that will help me, and making sure I understand the stuff on a little bit more deeper level. I’m always just RIGHT THERE, but I always made tiny mistakes that I can’t check because either time constraints or I can’t follow my work very well.

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