CHEMISTRY: God bless you as you practice for the test. Be careful and don’t take the test for granted! SUPER IMPORTANT – Use the Chapter 3A and the 21 Stuff to Know sheet as a guide for what you are memorizing and practicing.
Here is the test overview from today – but better. I’m posting an overview from last year that has more examples than we were able to get to today. Bottom line? Memorize everything and practice everything! And did I mention, PRACTICE!! God bless you! I’ll be praying!!
flickr photo by jim pennucci
A vaccine for bees has an unexpected effect
Researchers have developed a vaccine to protect honeybees from a disease know as American Foulbrood. This is a spore forming disease that can spread throughout the hive. and can remain viable for 50 years. Bees are very susceptible
to disease. The results are still very early but could be a great way to protect the U.S. bee colonies.
A new discovery has shown that there is a way to help slow down viruses and pandemics. We can help feed wild animals so that they do not become unhealthy, because that causes their immune system to weaken and lets viruses take over. When disease goes from an animal to a human, this is when outbreaks of a virus gets out.
In antarctica the Ross Ice Shelf is getting
warm ocean water from both sides and if it gets separated it could cause parts of North America to go underwater at high tide. The Ross Ice shelf is shielded by a natural oceanic conveyor belt.
A protein found in sweat may protect people from Lyme disease
A protein found in human sweat could offer some protection against Borrelia burgdorferi, a tick-transmitted bacterium that causes Lyme disease. In lab dishes and mice, the protein curbed bacterial growth. Some people have a mutated version that doesn’t work well, putting them all at a greater risk of infection.
Traffic noise hurts zebra finch eggs and babies, causing health and reproduction issues. Even before hatching, noise reduces their weight and shortens telomeres, indicating stress. Adult finches exposed to noise as eggs produce way fewer babies.
A protein found in sweat may protect people from Lyme disease
A protein found in human sweat could offer some protection against Borrelia burgdorferi, a tick-transmitted bacterium that causes Lyme disease. In lab dishes and mice, the protein curbed bacterial growth. Some people have a mutated version that doesn’t work well, putting them all at a greater risk of infection.
Plant ‘time bombs’ highlight how sneaky invasive species can be
The sycamore maple had been in Europe since 1613, but now there is a problem with the tree. The tree had been harmless for 300 years, but then began growing out of control.
Human sweat which has a protein that can prevent humans from Lyme disease. That protein can also help protect humans from Borrelia burgdorferi which is a tick transmitted bacterium which causes Lyme disease. There are people with a mutated version of it but it does not work as well. That also puts them at a higher risk of infection.
Scientists were studying how noise affects birds. Zebra finch eggs and nestlings were exposed to everyday traffic noises. Traffic noise at the egg or hatchling stage posed detrimental effects. Noise-exposed eggs hatched less that eggs-exposed to songs. noise-exposed birds produced 59% less offspring than those raised with natural sounds.
The ocean controls the earths climate. It also being effected by to CO2 level in the water. The would is relying on the ocean more then ever now days and the. O2 is changing that. The world doesn’t know what to do with the bad CO2 level and they are working to fix it.
Rain Bosworth studied deaf children in the world and how children are primed to pick up any language- even sign language. Her research is being done to show how capable deaf children are of learning.