Chemistry 4-24-24 Chapters 3A & 21 Test Overview

CHEMISTRY: God bless you as you practice for the test. Be careful and don’t take the test for granted! SUPER IMPORTANT – Use the Chapter 3A and the 21 Stuff to Know sheet as a guide for what you are memorizing and practicing.

Here is the test overview from today – but better. I’m posting an overview from last year that has more examples than we were able to get to today. Bottom line? Memorize everything and practice everything! And did I mention, PRACTICE!! God bless you! I’ll be praying!!

flickr photo by jim pennucci

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11 thoughts on “Chemistry 4-24-24 Chapters 3A & 21 Test Overview

  1. A vaccine for bees has an unexpected effect

    Researchers have developed a vaccine to protect honeybees from a disease know as American Foulbrood. This is a spore forming disease that can spread throughout the hive. and can remain viable for 50 years. Bees are very susceptible
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  2. A protein found in sweat may protect people from Lyme disease
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  3. A protein found in sweat may protect people from Lyme disease
    A protein found in human sweat could offer some protection against Borrelia burgdorferi, a tick-transmitted bacterium that causes Lyme disease. In lab dishes and mice, the protein curbed bacterial growth. Some people have a mutated version that doesn’t work well, putting them all at a greater risk of infection.

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