Chemistry 3-1-23 Advanced Stoichiometry & a Quick Look at the Test & Help Session

CHEMISTRY: I still say stoichiometry is a lot like baking – sometimes you just have to get in there and get your hands dirty! We began class with something super important – how to begin organizing for studying for the test. And then here’s our look at #32 – the baking powder problem. Thinking through these problems is a huge first important step!

Below the lesson for today is the help session from Wednesday morning where we did #27a (percent yield) and 27b (a harder twist on percent yield).

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

Wednesday Morning Help Session (Problem #27)

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22 thoughts on “Chemistry 3-1-23 Advanced Stoichiometry & a Quick Look at the Test & Help Session

  1. This week my triumph has been my effort in chemistry. I am having a hard time applying percent yield problems, but I have been working very hard and practicing to help prepare for the test.

  2. This week my triumph in chemistry has been my hard work in writing road maps and labeling in equations. I’ve always been a person to do work in their head. Recently I have realized how much it helps to write everything down. This will greatly help me in stoichiometry probables and day to day math.

  3. This week I have been succeeding in doing all of the homework early and having time later on to check if they were right and fix my mistakes. This week I have also triumphed in catching on to the new material taught in class. Doing this helps me keep up with where in am in learning which overall helps me during studying for tests.

  4. This week a triumph I had was focusing in on the problems and really working to understand them. I also have been working hard to study everything for the test.

  5. This week, my triumph was being efficient in completing the lab and planning a time to complete it. I usually get stressed out during labs, but I think I did well staying calm and following directions with this one. I think I did better on this lab because I took the time to read and prepare for it ahead of time.

  6. This week I have triumphed in spending time practicing. I have practiced for the test. This has helped me a lot and I feel better about my ability to work the problems.

  7. This week my triumph has been being prepared when I come to class. I have known what we are doing everyday what we are going to be doing when I walk into class. I am also happy with myself because I didn’t wait until last minute to finish the lab. My lab parter and I planned ahead a time to meet to finish it.

  8. This week I have triumphed with preparing myself for our test Friday ahead of time. I started studying on Wednesday, where as before I would study only the night before. I have also triumphed in completing all my assignments on time.

  9. My triumph this week in chemistry is that I learned how to do percent yield after missing the day we took notes on it. My triumph is also studying in advance instead of waiting until the night before.

  10. My triumph this week has been understanding the equations in class that I apply them into homework and lab situations. Starting out, it seemed difficult, but I was able to use what we went over in class and my notes to do what at first was simple problems, to now understanding how to do complex problems.

  11. This week, I triumphed over learning and applying the new formulas we learned this week. Another triumph I had this week was the lab we did on Tuesday. I hope I can apply the knowledge I learned this week to the test we have on Friday.

  12. This week my triumph would be I came to class with the questions I had. They may have been answered by someone else before me but this helped me be aware of the parts I struggle in. Having questions helps me better understand the mistakes I made.

  13. This week my triumph was learning how to write out a roadmap rather than trying to do it in my head. This has helped me understand the problems better.

  14. I triumphed this week in getting my web posts done and my homework. I didn’t forget one homework this week or a webpost

  15. My triumph this week was practicing equations a lot. I practiced every night and did so for many hours at a time. I did this to hopefully get a good grade on the test in which I feel confident on.

  16. My triumph this week was how me and my lab partner worked on the lab. We both did work and never once sat around. We finished on time with a little time to spare even after having to redo a run.

  17. Triumph- I triumphed over the pressure of many assignments and tests. I have been given grace by God to go through the many tests that came my way and have conquered even the chemistry test.

  18. My triumph today was the fact that I was able to remember everything for the test today that we have learned and I feel pretty confident in my grade.

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