Hon Chemistry Half-Life Simulation Lab

HON CHEMISTRY: Hey guys – this is where honors chemistry will post results for the Half-Life Simulation lab. You’ll just list your data from the first data table as a comment – just like you comment every week, except this time you are just listing the data from the first data table.

Remember, you don’t have to use candies; you may use coins or anything else that has two sides. Please note that you are to post the number of “radioactive” nuclides remaining after each toss.

Just to clarify, everything on the lab sheets will go in your lab report on that you will submit as a PDF to Google Drive and TurnItIn.com – Title, Objective, Procedure, Observations (with data table), Conclusion, and Questions. Don’t forget that your graph needs to be either a full page graph that you do on Excel or a similar program, or you can draw a full page graph on graph paper, scan a very clean, sharp copy and copy it into your lab report. And don’t forget that the analysis questions, calculations, graph, etc., go after your conclusion.

Happy counting – and wait until AFTER the lab to snack!! 🙂

flickr photo by Jared Browarnik

Chemistry 2-23-23 Stoichiometry & Limiting Reactants

CHEMISTRY: So if you have 11 roller wheels, how many roller blade skates can you make? You know, really, limiting reactant is almost that simple. Well, the concept is anyway! You deal with limiting reactants in your life all the time. Now we’re just applying that same concept with chemical reactions! 🙂

Here’s our lesson from Thursday – first a review of stoichiometry problems. Then – limiting reactants. Fun times!

flickr photo by muffytyrone