Hon Chemistry 1-10-23 Single Replacement Reactions & the Activity Series

HON CHEMISTRY: Moving right along with the 17 types of chemical reactions, here are the single replacement reactions – and you also got a head start on the activity series!

This makes 15 reactions so far, and we’ll do the rest tomorrow. Careful though, memorize, but don’t just memorize them. Make sure you can apply them as well. When you start to work any equation, first determine what type of reaction it is, then figure out what rule applies and follow it to determine the products. I believe in you! You can do it!!

flickr photo by bobtravis

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15 thoughts on “Hon Chemistry 1-10-23 Single Replacement Reactions & the Activity Series

  1. My triumph of the week in chemistry was properly preparing for the amount of work there would be. With the knowledge I would miss some days this week I was able to get ahead of my makeup work in order to not get behind.

  2. My triumph for this week was getting a proper start on my work and studying for the quiz ahead of time. With this I have been able to spend time on a hobby and family.

  3. My triumph this week in chemistry has been understanding my homework. I have been able to do it without stress, and it has helped me to fully understand what we have learned this week.

  4. My triumph this week would be taking great notes. There have been times when I have been distracted and missed something or I didn’t fully comprehend what I was taking notes on, but this week I have improved in this skill through increasing my attention span and maintaining an organized system of notes.

  5. This week my triumph is successfully doing our homework/practicing what we have been learning. This along with taking good notes in class has helped me understand the new skills we have learned this week. I feel confident while studying for our quiz!

  6. My triumph for this week is getting all of my homework done and better understanding what we are learning. I have been able to better understand what we’ve learned this week through practicing on the homework and during class time. I’ve also worked on giving myself enough time to study for the quiz this week.

  7. My triumph for this week in chemistry is planning ahead. I’ve been constantly checking the syllabus. In doing so, I did all my homework on time and began studying on Monday night.

  8. This week my triumph was staying on top of my work. This was an extremely busy week and I had to really focus and get organized in order to stay ahead.

  9. This week in chemistry I triumphed in memorizing the memorization early, so that I am not stressed and cramming the night before. There is a lot of memorization needed for the upcoming week and the only way to properly conquer it is to study early and often.

  10. My triumph for this week was giving myself time to memorize the chemical reactions. This allowed me to spend more time and to really learn them and not just regurgitate them on the test.

  11. My triumph for the week was being able to get back in the swing of things and relearn some of the things I had forgotten over the break.

  12. My triumph this week is getting all of my work done this week. We had a very busy week, but I was able to get all of my work done in time.

    • My triumph this week is getting all of my work done. We had a very busy week, but I was able to stay on top of my work.

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