HON CHEMISTRY: Great review today on physical and chemical properties and changes. Can you determine if a chemical change has occurred? And what about energy? Where does it go?
HON CHEMISTRY: Great review today on physical and chemical properties and changes. Can you determine if a chemical change has occurred? And what about energy? Where does it go?
This week I triumphed with organization. I knew what we would be doing in class, and I was properly prepared. I was also able to finish the lab by the end of class. Overall I think my work in chemistry is improving, and so are my organization and time management skills.
My triumph this week was getting a 97 on my Lab Safety Test. I worked very hard for my grade, and it paid off.
My triumph this week was my note taking. I took thorough notes that i was able to look back at and understand things I didn’t totally grasp. I think these good notes will not just help me now but also help me study come quiz or test time.
My triumph this week has been with labs. I’ve been able to read the labs before class, so I was prepared. I also learned how to use a bunch of lab equipment this week!
This week my triumph was being responsible. This included doing homework early when I knew I would not have much time after school, not procrastinating on assignments, and staying on top of work and due dates!
My triumph this week in chemistry was being prepared. Whether that was by printing out my syllabus and lab or studying for my test last week and it paying off when I learned my grade today. Overall I am happy with my preparedness and readiness this week.
This week my triumph was staying locked in and on task. I often procrastinate homework, but lately I have been able to come home and start on assignments immediately in order to complete other things like my daily piano practice. I think this intensified focus has come from getting more sleep and setting goals for my school work.
This week my triumph has been staying focused. I have had a lot going on this week outside of school, so I’ve been making sure to stay focused while doing my homework to insure it will get done.
This week in chemistry my triumph is paying attention. I often find myself thinking about other things in class. However, this week I was able to pay close attention because I only let myself think about chemistry related things while in class.
My triumph this week was my note taking. Understanding what was important to write down, what I needed to just listen to, and what I had to take more precise notes was key in my success in note taking.
This week I have triumphed with spending my time adequately during the labs by finishing with some time remaining.
My triumph this week is that I was able to pay better attention in class. I usually struggle with keeping focus and not thinking of other things. This week was different, as I was able to keep my mind focused on chemistry during class.
My triumph this week was doing well for the Lab Safety test. This is because I was properly prepared and tried not to stress out too much on the test, helping me have a level head while taking the test.
This week I triumphed i my lab safety test. I exceeded my expectations on my test. A the reason for this is because I was well prepared and organized.
This week I triumphed in my lab safety test. I exceeded my expectations on my test. The reason for this is because I was well prepared and organized.
This week I triumphed in preparing for a test. I learned that when I set aside time to study and work out applications for what we have learned in class I can improve all my grades.
This week my triumph was doing well on the Lab Safety Test. I worked hard and took a lot of time to study and prepare for it.