Chemistry 12-3-21 Using Chemical Formulas

CHEMISTRY: So the little mole turns out to be a pretty big deal – and a very handy tool!!

Awesome job today! We had a mic crash, so the vodcast posted here is from another class. Here’s discussion on formula mass and molar mass, and then using molar mass and Avogadro’s number as a conversion factor. You’ve got a couple of great tools – so now think through the problems and go forth and conquer!! Be sure and practice them so you don’t forget!

Photo by ahmad kanbar on Unsplash

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67 thoughts on “Chemistry 12-3-21 Using Chemical Formulas

  1. I rate myself a 2/5 because I know I can do better , never want to put the work in that I need to. Next semester I want to fix this. I will do my best to devote at least 30 minutes to chemistry everyday.

  2. I rate my semester a 2 out of 5. I know I can do better than I have done this semester. Next semester I will stay locked in to class and by staying in touch with you when I have questions.

  3. I rate this semester 3 out of 5 I think I have learned finally how to study for chemistry and hope to do better next semester.

  4. I give myself a 4 for this week. I kept up with my homework well and studied for my test in a better way than normal and got the best grade i have ever gotten on a test before so i am very proud of myself. Next semester hopefully my studying methods will improve even further and i won’t miss a single home work.

  5. I would rate myself 4/10. Honestly I laid a passing grade but put little to no effort into it. Next semester I will start doing homework and actually devote time out of my day to study for quizzes/tests in chemistry.

  6. I rate myself 3/5. I Have tried many different ways of studying and have found one that works for me. I will use this next semester to do better

  7. i rate myself 3/5. i studied hard for the test and i did better than i usually do. next semester i’ll give myself more time to study so it’s not as stressful.

  8. I would rate myself a 3/5 stars this semester. I feel as if I did not perform on the tests as well as I should have. I need to learn how to study more efficiently and how to memorize in a more effective way. I expect to improve my chemistry grade next semester.

  9. I would rate myself a 3/5 for this past semester. I worked hard and improved greatly, but still could have done much better.. Next semester, better time management and study methods will help me achieve better grades.

  10. I rate this semester a 3/5 because it was so quick but also was so clustered. There was days when I had to stay up all night just to finish assignments because I had so much to do.

  11. I rate this semester a 3/5 because it was so quick but also was so clustered. There was days when I had to stay up all night just to finish assignments because I had so much to do.

  12. I rate myself a 3 out of 5 stars for the past semester. I studied hard and took good notes, but I need to find better ways to study for the tests. Some days I stayed up way too long to finish assignments that shouldn’t have taken me forever. Next semester I will remember to use better study methods and I will work on my time management.

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