Hon Chemistry 11-16-21 Empirical & Molecular Formulas

HON CHEMISTRY: Now that you know how to write chemical formulas, you are going to be amazed at what you can do with them! I love the way you are able to think through what you know and what you need to find a solution. Today you are going to use that to find empirical formulas and molecular formulas all by yourself – well, almost by yourself. 🙂

Be sure and practice – if you don’t it’ll get all turned around and you’ll end up leaving off an important step. The hardest part is that it’s not a set formula for you to plug and play, but if you’ll keep in mind that you’re really just looking for subscripts which are just moles, you’ll be able to think it through. Percent to mass, mass to moles, moles to smallest whole number ratio.

Are you starting to catch on to the steps? It will be good for you to memorize them, but would it not be just tons better to understand why you need each step – backwards and forwards, so then you wouldn’t need to memorize them at all!

And then, also remember what molecular formulas are – just a multiple of the empirical formula. Keep that concept in mind, and you’ll have no problem remembering to divide the molecular formula mass by the empirical formula mass to find X! Easy peasy! 🙂

flickr photo by Darwin Bell

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10 thoughts on “Hon Chemistry 11-16-21 Empirical & Molecular Formulas

  1. triumph- After doing the lab about percent composition of sugar in gum, I understood how to set up the formula, which made the rest of this week’s work a little easier.

  2. Triumph: My triumph is how I handled the Determining an Empirical Formula. I was really confused during class and wasted an extensive amount of time, but after I got home I worked better. I looked over my notes and watched old lessons. Even though I stressed out about something I knew how to do, I was able to calm down and get my work done.

  3. Triumph-This week my triumph is finally understanding the lab. I was super confused at first and I had to print it out, read through my notes, and ask questions to finally understand.

  4. Triumph- This week, my triumph is understanding empirical and molecular formulas. I had a good understanding in class as we were taught how to do it. As I was doing my homework this week, found myself being able to solve these particular problems quickly and easily due to the practice problems we did in class!

  5. Triumph: This week I did well with my labs because I worked efficiently, showed my work, and didn’t waste time. I also had a good concept of our lessons because of the practice problems in the homework.

  6. Triumph-
    This week I did well on the homework because I listened well in class and I practiced to where I understood why I did each step in finding the empirical formula.

  7. T- My triumph for this week was managing my time well. Even though I had the play, I still worked hard on my lab write-up when I had time and I was proud of myself for asking for an extension to the due date, as I’m a very non-confrontational person. Overall, this was a harder week for me, but I’m glad that I managed the workload.

  8. Triumph- I did well in the empirical formulas lab and managing my time with homework. Once I understood the lab, I flew through it and got it done in 20 minutes. As for the homework I finished my homework before 11pm this week 🙂

  9. Triumph: what I did well this week was learning the calculation problems, and understanding them.( empirical formula, percent composition, etc…). I did well on all of the homework this week on these calculations because I practiced constantly and didn’t rush to make sure I did them right.

  10. Triumph- my triumph for this week is that I engraved all the formulas in my brain asap which allowed me to easily go through the homework’s and both the labs. Formulas are usually the hardest thing to memorize but once I got them down pat, it was like second nature

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