Hon Chemistry 10-4-21 Writing Formal Lab Reports

HON CHEMISTRY: Awesome job today beginning to write your first digital lab reports. Be sure and follow very carefully the directions in the Lab Manuscript Form handout. If you need another copy, it’s under the lab tab. Everything in that handout is an important guideline for writing your lab report.

For an overview of your workflow as you write up labs, be sure and check out the Lab Report Turn In Info sheet under the Lab tab.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Physics 10-4-21 Angular Projectile Problems

PHYSICS – Great work today for a Monday! I love the way you are thinking through the angular projectile homework problems. We looked at #35 – the kicked football, and #62 – the accelerating rocket. Also did a bit of a heads up on #59 – jumping on Earth and Mars.

UPDATE: For tomorrow, add this monkey/zookeeper problem below to the 2D Motion Worksheet:

A zookeeper finds an escaped monkey hanging from a light pole. Aiming her tranquilizer gun at the monkey, she kneels 10.0 m from the light pole, which is 5.00 m high. The tip of her gun is 1.00 m above the ground. At the same moment that the monkey drops a banana, the zookeeper shoots. If the dart travels at 50.0 m/s, will the dart hit the monkey, the banana, or neither one?

Photo by Thomas Serer on Unsplash

Chemistry 10-4-21 Graphing Exercise 2

CHEMISTRY: Today you’ll begin working on Graphing Exercise 2 to check to practice reading and interpreting graphs and charts.

FIRST, before you open the link – go to Google Drive and log in as you. Be sure and log in with your @ncstrojans.com email. Next, click on the link below for the activity. Google forms will save your progress and if you don’t finish, you’ll be able to pick up where you left off. Check the syllabus for when it’s due!

Graphing Exercise 2