Physics 8-17-21 Measurements in Physics, Pt. 1

PHYSICS – Great job today with our SI system review! You remembered a lot! Were you surprised at yourself?

The hardest part, I think, will be getting back in the habit of showing all your work, using conversion factors, units, dimensional analysis, sig figs, etc. We’ll finish reviewing measurements and the like tomorrow.

Hon Chemistry 8-16-21 Getting Organized

HON CHEMISTRY: Happy Monday! Today we explored getting organized in chemistry. The assignment for today is the Getting Organized Assignment that you will find under the Worksheet/Handouts tab. It’s due Tuesday, by class time.

We also talked today about web posts. For more info, scroll down to the post I’ve written for you on Web Post Comments & Ideas

And last, today we also talked about doing a final check of your Google Drive. Have you double checked your Google Drive to make sure all the assignments you have there are correct?

Here’s a quick list of things to double check. You have until class time on Tuesday to make any corrections. Holler if you have questions.

1) Is is a PDF? Check to make sure it has the PDF symbol. Remember that when you download a doc as a PDF, you have to go back in and upload the new PDF to your Google Drive. It does not do that step automatically.
2) Does it have the correct title? After the class period and your name, make sure you have the correct title of the assignment.
3) Does it meet the requirements of the assignment? For example, does it have all the parts that it is supposed to have?

Chemistry 8-16-21 Google Drive Check & Web Post Comments

CHEMISTRY: Happy Monday! Here is the overview of the details of the MOM Rainbow Assignment. First though, lets talk about weekly web post comments. If you need more info, scroll down to the post I’ve written for you on Web Post Comment Ideas

Today we also talked about doing a final check of your Google Drive. Have you double checked your Google Drive to make sure all the assignments you have there are correct? Here’s a quick list of things to double check. You have until class time on Tuesday to make any corrections.

1) Is is a PDF? Check to make sure it has the PDF symbol. Remember that when you download a doc as a PDF, you have to go back in and upload the new PDF to your Google Drive. It does not do that step automatically.
2) Does it have the correct title? After the class period and your name, make sure you have the correct title of the assignment.
3) Does it meet the requirements of the assignment? For example, does it have all the parts that it is supposed to have?

And last, but SUPER IMPORTANT, we also talked about the MOM Rainbow assignment. Watch the vodcast to get the details of the assignment or click here for a written copy. MOM Rainbow Assignment Summary

Web Post Comments & Ideas

In the future, you will probably be taking online classes where you will have to be part of online class discussion groups, and you’ll be graded on your comments and how you participate. Are you having a knowing where to post your web post comment or understanding what a good web post comment is?

Here is a plan that will help you! Your goal is to have STAR Web Post Comments. Hokey title, but maybe it will stick! Click here on the STAR Web Post Comments Idea Sheet under the Worksheets/Handouts tab for ideas for good comments that will receive credit. Be sure and check the syllabus every week for the topic for that week’s web post comment.

Here are some hints:

IMPORTANT: Make double dog sure you write your name in your web post the correct way. If your name/heading is not written correctly, you will not receive any credit for making the web post. Check an earlier syllabus for instructions on how to write your name.

Here’s what you do to post a web post comment:

  1. Click on the title of any web post from the week that I have made for your class.
  2. Scroll to the very bottom of it where it says “Leave a Reply” – you may have to scroll past comments from other people, but you can reply to those also!
  3. Enter your name correctly (check your syllabus) and your email.
  4. Type in your comment (see the info above.)
  5. Type in the Anti Spam characters in the space provided.
  6. Click Post Comment and you are done!

Chemistry 8-11-21 MOM Rainbow

CHEMISTRY: Great job today making observations! Pretty cool! Here’s the vodcast from class today, if you had to be absent. Don’t lose your observations, you’ll need them later this week.

How are you doing with finding things and knowing what’s due when? Let me know if I can help!

Physics 8-11-21 Using the Scientific Method

PHYSICS: I love listening to you “talk through” the scientific method! Can’t wait to see what you design for your whirly gigs! Now what could you do to get the longest hang time? Hmmmmm…..

Whirly Gig template is under the Worksheet tab, if you need it. Happy flying!



What a great first day! You’re off to a great start on a truly tremendous adventure. I’m so glad you’re in my class and that I’ll be able to share this adventure with you! Here is your assignment for tomorrow and for the next few days.

  • TODAY – Sign up for Remind. Follow the instructions on the Technology Overview sheet you got in class today. This sheet is also here on the website under the “Worksheets/Handouts” tab. (Your parents can sign up for this also.)
  • Read the class info sheet front & back – sign it and ask your parents to sign it (front & back!!!). Bring the Class info sheet to class by FRIDAY. You wil need it for an assignment in class. If you need an extra copy, the Class Info sheet is here on the website under the “Class Info” tab on the top left of this page and is also on PowerSchool Learning under Class Syllabus.
  • Enter your information in the form below. You may need to use the scroll bar on the right side of the form to get to the bottom of it. The form must be completed by 8:00 A.M., THIS Monday morning, but I encourage you to do it before then!
  • Check your syllabus daily to see what we are going to be doing in class this week, for homework, and for the due dates for class supplies!!

It’s Almost Here & I’m So Excited!!

I can’t wait! Summer has been great, but I am sooooooooo looking forward to seeing you and doing school with you!

Have you seen this? It is SO cool!! So, if you need a last minute summer project… Or maybe a project for my budding physics students?

Can’t wait to see you!!

Psalm 19: 1 -3, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard.”

Have you ever been on a hike and just stopped to appreciate the sounds of nature? from Terra Mar Entertainment on Vimeo.