Physics 1-11-21 Collisions

PHYSICS: Collisions – they’re all around us and they all obey the law of conservation of momentum. Here’s more specific information about the proper way to differentiate and name them.

Great job with the conceptual review and setting up the problems! As you practice tonight, be sure and check for connections between the conservation of momentum and the conservation of energy. πŸ™‚

flickr photo by chavil brasil

Chemistry 1-11-21 Monday & Mass-Moles-Molecules Review

CHEMISTRY: So how many molecules are in one drop of water? Good job figuring that out today!

You’ve got some great tools to use – be sure you know what to use and when to use it. Remember that math is a tool. Can you show me WHY you use it. HINT: Q Formula!! Best way to learn that? Practice, practice, practice!!

Photo by zhang kaiyv on Unsplash

Hon Chemistry 1-11-21 Synthesis & Decomposition Reactions

HON CHEMISTRY: Oooohhhh! So that’s where the pretty light comes from! Great job on these reactions! Now go forth and practice what you learned! (The balancing equations part, not the playing with magnesium part!) πŸ™‚

Photo by Yasemin K. on Unsplash