Chemistry 9-24-20 Lighting a Bunsen Burner

CHEMISTRY – Great job lighting Bunsen burners today! By the way, did you happen to see a green flame when you put the copper wire in the flame? The electrons in the copper atoms were being excited and they gave off a green flame. Cool!!

Here’s something you will find useful in the future…everything you wanted to know about a Bunsen burner and how to light it. Be sure and view the slide show BEFORE you take turn in your lab sheets and take the test.

Tomorrow we’ll continue with Parts 4 & 5. Be sure and read ahead before you come to class! Also, make double dog sure you are keeping up with the observations and answering ALL of the questions at the end of the lab on pg. 13 – 18. There are a TON of them!!!

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60 thoughts on “Chemistry 9-24-20 Lighting a Bunsen Burner

  1. My triumph this week was the retest. I studied differently and made the effort to make a better grade the second time I took it.

  2. My triumph this week was figuring out how to do everything with the lab & studying well for the most recent test.

  3. I triumphed in the retest this week because I mad a way better grade on the retest than I mad on the original test

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