Chemistry 9-4-20 Conversion Factors

CHEMISTRY: Great job with our start on using conversion factors to work problems! Hopefully this was a review from your earlier academic life. We’ll crank it up a notch tomorrow!! 😉

Remember, this isn’t just about getting an answer – some of you can do that in your head. This is about being able to convert from one unit to another using the Q-formula. (And yes, you have to do it that way!)

Make sure you practice using your notes tonight, it’ll help you remember the steps we followed today in class!

If you need more practice on these or other problems, what about a HELP SESSION?

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

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14 thoughts on “Chemistry 9-4-20 Conversion Factors

  1. This week I struggled. I struggled with the transition to online learning and making sure to stay balanced with my work. To fix this I will make sure to get up on time and set limits on myself to keep from burning out from sitting in front of my computer all day.

    • My application from this week was conversions I always seem to struggle with these. I am going to give it my all to be open minded to doing my best with these problems.

  2. This week i both struggled and achieved. I achieved learning the Q formula. But i struggled on balancing homework. To fix this i am going to print the sylabus on monday and try and keep a planner.

  3. I did this wrong the first time. This week i struggled with the changing of units. This week i also triumpth by learning and doing well on Q formula. This week i would give myself a 3.5 out of 5 just for being unorganized.

  4. My application this week was that i applied what I was taught through Mrs. Skinner and fixed my mistakes that I had been doing. I am now a lot better at conversion factors.

  5. I learned how to do the Q formula this week. My application was applying the q formula to my homework. This helped me get more comfortable with the process.

  6. my application for the week is learning Q formula and applying it to any homework or future work we do with this or add onto it.

  7. This week we learned scientific notation and I was able to apply it to the q formula and it prepared me for the homework and the test.

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