Hon Chemistry 1-11-18 Spectroscopy Lab, Part 2

HON CHEMISTRY: How’d you like playing with light?!? Here’s the intro to Part 2 of the lab.

Are you clear on how to turn in the lab report? Observations from Part 1 and the diffraction grating will be in two parts: 1) the written observation – answers to those four questions for BOTH types of light on notebook paper, and 2) your drawings of both kinds of light on card stock or heavy white paper, and then both drawings mounted together on one sheet of construction paper. Be sure to label everything.

Observations from Part 2 with the spectroscope will be answered on the actual lab sheets/packet. Be sure and read ahead so that you can double check to make sure you answered every single observation and question. We’ll finish the last part of the procedure the next time we have sun. Check the syllabus for the due date!

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9 thoughts on “Hon Chemistry 1-11-18 Spectroscopy Lab, Part 2

  1. This week I rate myself a 5/5. Mainly because I haven’t failed anything, but other than that because I did good on the labs and developed an understanding of the topics we are covering about waves. I will definitely be reviewing the formulas often and try to get my lab report done a bit earlier than I normally do this week. I promise. Even if the difference is in seconds.

  2. This week was probably a 3/5 because I was really tired and didn’t really take notes as well was I usually do, but the labs were fun and very interesting

  3. I’d probably rate myself a 3/5 this week just because it was the first full week back and I had to get back into the swing of things. But the light stuff was cool and I’m understanding the wavelength and frequency problems pretty well.

  4. This week I would give myself a 4/5. I took great notes this week and I understood what we learned. I also did not procrastinate on the first part of my lab.

  5. I would rate myself a 3/5 this week. A struggle was that the mathematics we learned earlier in the week are a challenge for me, and a success of sorts this week was looking at all the colors on tuesday in the lab.

  6. I rate myself 4/5 for this week. The mathematics clicked for me and I didn’t struggle with anything on the homework! The labs were really fun and I thought the spectrometer was really cool!

  7. I rate myself 4/5 for this week. The mathematics clicked for me and I didn’t struggle with anything on the homework! The labs were really fun and I thought the spectrometer was really cool! Even though the labs were really fun, I am happy school is out.

  8. I would rate myself a 3/5 this week. I’m still trying to get back into the swing of things after being off for Christmas break. But, I did like the spectrometer and am very happy we got a snow day !!

  9. I rate myself a 3/5 this week because I understand the math problems and did all my homework. I also took very good notes. However, I feel like I could have done better on the lab.

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