Chemistry 1-14-16 Applications of Radioactivity, Pt. 2 and Fission & Fusion

CHEMISTRY: Hey guys! Here’s the laaaaast part of the charter – fission and fusion. Have you started studying? Be careful and don’t take the test for granted! Here’s a copy of the Chapter 21 Stuff to Know & Study Suggestions sheet.

Make sure you keep practicing half-life problems and nuclear equations. Also, make sure you’ve memorize the nuclear symbols for alpha particles, beta particles, positrons, neutrons, and protons. And then there are tons of notes on the conceptual stuff. Properties of radioactivity, people, types of radioactive decay, applications of radioactivity, definitions, definitions, and definitions!

Chemistry 1-14-16 Applications of Radioactivity, Pt. 2 and Fission & Fusion from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Hon Chemistry 1-14-16 Quantum Numbers & Orbital Notation

HON CHEMISTRY: Wow, you did a great job today! Did quantum numbers start making more sense once you are started using them? Good work today on orbital notation. I think you’re going to be seeing arrows and numbers in your sleep!

Don’t forget to use the Aufbau “chart” that you learned to draw!! We’ll move on to some short cuts tomorrow!

Hon Chemistry 1-14-16 Quantum Numbers & Orbital Notation from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by Iguana Jo