Chemistry 5-13-15 Acids, Bases, & Intro to pH

CHEMISTRY: Great intro to the properties of acids and bases! Do you think you can apply them now?

Did your class get to the part about figuring out pH? If not, here is the lesson you need! Acids mean H30+ ions and pH, bases mean OH- ions and pOH. Get the pH of an acid straight from the concentration of the acid. Get the pH of a base by first finding the pOH straight from the concentration of the base and then subtracting that from 14. No problem!! So how do you think someone would use pH?

Don’t forget about learning those indicator colors I told you about. Can you think of anything else that might be a natural indicator? What about tea? Have you noticed how it changes to a lighter shade when you add lemon?

CHEMISTRY 5-14-13 Acids, Bases & pH from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Hon Chemistry 5-12-15 Gas Laws, Pt. 1

HON CHEMISTRY: Our first look at the gas laws: Boyle’s law, Charles Law, Gay-Lussac’s law . These guys did great work – and you’ve got to love their hair!!

Be sure you use Kelvin in the problems – not Celcius. And make double dog sure you use the formulas correctly! Rearrange that thing – no plug and play!!

HON CHEMISTRY 4-29-14 Gas Laws from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by wine me up

Hon Chemistry 5-11-15 Kinetic Molecular Theory & Pressure

HON CHEMISTRY: Who knew there could be so much to learn about gases, and we’ve only just begun! Here’s the lecture on the kinetic molecular theory and the beginning discussion of pressure.

CHEMISTRY 5-13-14 Kinetic Molecular Theory & Properties of Gases from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by ahhyeah

Hon Chemistry 5-8-15 Intro to Colligative Properties

HON CHEMISTRY: Good job with taking phase changes to the next level! Were you surprised at what happened when we added the salt to the ice water and boiling water? Don’t forget to bring an explanation on Tuesday.

Audio didn’t work on the recording today, so I’m posting the recording from last year. This isn’t the last lecture….but we’re getting close!!!

HON CHEMISTRY 5-16-13 Intro to Colligative Properties from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Hon Chemistry 5-7-15 pH & Indicators

HON CHEMISTRY – Great work with pH! Good luck with the purple cabbage. I hope your family doesn’t run you out of the house!!

Also, good job on figuring out pH. Acids mean H30+ ions and pH, bases mean OH- ions and pOH. Get the pH of an acid straight from the concentration of the acid. Get the pH of a base by first finding the pOH straight from the concentration of the base and then subtracting that from 14. No problem!! So how do you think someone would use pH?

Don’t forget about learning those indicator colors I told you about. Can you think of anything else that might be a natural indicator? What about tea? Have you noticed how it changes to a lighter shade when you add lemon?

Hon Chemistry 5-8-15 pH & Indicators from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Chemistry 5-5-15 Activity Series

CHEMISTRY: Wow! We finished the chapter!! No you get to go and practice what you’ve learned – especially the activity series. Help session??

Practice, practice, practice! Don’t forget, you have to memorize the 17 types of chemical reactions and the activity series, but you also have to apply them! You need to know them so well, that it becomes second nature to you. I’ll be praying for you as you begin to study for the test!!:)

Homework update – Balancing Equations Worksheet 4 will be due on Friday.

Chemistry 5-5-15 Activity Series from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by Frans Persoon

Physics 5-4-15 Application of Refraction

PHYSICS: Today was the last of the applications of lenses. I love it when you get to see how physics crosses over into other disciplines of science – from physiology the other day with myopia and hyperopia and how lenses can help, to the applications today – how microscopes and telescopes work, and, ever important to know – why is sky blue!

Update on homework: the homework for thin lenses was incorrect. It should be: Pg. 508 – 512; 15 – 26 (Draw 24 – 26 to scale).

Speaking of lasts – LAST chapter test tomorrow!! What should you practice? Application of concepts, ray diagrams with mirrors and refraction through a transparent medium and lenses, and problems. Hey, here’s something to think about… can something really disappear into thin air? How??

Chemistry 5-4-15 The 17 Types of Chemical Reactions

CHEMISTRY: You realize what we did? We finished all 17 types of reactions today! Just to make things easier for you, I’m posting the lessons that have all the types .

Careful when you work tonight’s homework! First – the page numbers on the syllabus may be wrong. Homework is from the end of chapter 8. Next – for all single replacement reactions and reactions involving forming or decomposing oxide, be sure and refer to the Activity Series. Yes, you will get to memorize it!

Are you working on memorizing all 17_Chemical_reactions for Thursday – and forever?! But don’t just memorize them. Make sure you can apply them as well. When you start to work any equation, first determine what type of reaction it is, then figure out what rule applies and follow it to determine the products. I believe in you! You can do it!! (and yes, I realize I am repeating myself, but I do and you can!)

Synthesis Reactions

HON CHEMISTRY 3-21-14 Synthesis Reactions from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Decomposition & Single Replacement Reactions

HON CHEMISTRY 3-24-14 Decomposition & Single Replacement Reactions from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by bobtravis

Double Replacement & Combustion Reactions

HON CHEMISTRY 3-25-14 Double Replacement & Combustion Reactions from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.