Physics 9-26-14 Component Vector Addition – Concept Review

PHYSICS: I do believe you are well on your way to conquering the component method of vector addition. Good job! Pay careful attention to the smallest details – it can make a huge difference.

Here’s the overview of the conceptual questions from the homework – super short!

PHYSICS 9-26-14 Component Vector Addition – Concept Review from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by grewlike

Hon Chemistry 9-26-14 Energy in Changes

HON CHEMISTRY: Happy Friday! Great job tracing energy changes through physical and chemical changes.

So…. the law of conservation of energy, endothermic/exothermic, and potential and kinetic energy . . . How much of it can you find in bungee jumping?

And who knew there were so many questions you could ask about matter?

HON CHEMISTRY 9-26-14 Energy in Changes from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by 𐂀 jgraham