Chemistry 12-5-13 Isotopes & Average Atomic Mass

CHEMISTRY: Can you believe atoms are that small – and the nucleus even waaaaaay smaller! The thumbnail is another picture of atoms from the IBM Almaden Research Center. These are iron atoms on top of copper. Being able to move atoms around like this was a giant leap in the field of nanotechnology! (Sorry about that, bad pun! 🙂 )

Here’s the lecture from Thursday on atomic number and isotopes. It’s the last lecture for this chapter – and for this year!!

How are you doing on writing nuclear symbols? Also make sure you can use them to determine the number of protons, neutrons, electrons, etc., AND be sure you can use the formula to find average atomic mass!Happy calculating on the problems for tonight.

Oh, any questions about the Carbon Isotope Mini-Project?

CHEMISTRY 12-3-12 Isotopes & Average Atomic Mass from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Image source IBM Almaden Research Center

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51 thoughts on “Chemistry 12-5-13 Isotopes & Average Atomic Mass

  1. This was a fun week can’t wait to see what next week will be like! I hope everyone enjoys the out day! #chapter3testantecipation

  2. Are we still going to have a test on Monday? And if Monday school gets cancelled.. will we have the test on Tuesday?

  3. This project is going to be interesting. that’s all I have to say! Can we use small Styrofoam balls if we cant find clay to use and its a last resort?

  4. Can you believe it has almost been a semester, Ms. Skinner? It seems like we just started class yesterday! I really do enjoy Chemistry. Thank you for posting a study guide for Chapter 3. It helps me remember what to study. 🙂

  5. That picture at the beginning represents a vary great achievement of man, Identifying and observing the basic unit of the world,the atom.

  6. The spectroscopy lab was so much fun! It was amazing to explore the incandescent light bulb and looking at the sun through the spectrometer. I can’t believe the colors I saw were the colors of elements on the sun!

  7. the sock lab was neat and fun, it made you use your brain, and that exam review packet is going to help me a lot with grade

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