Physics 10-25-13 Forces & Equilibrium

PHYSICS: So, how is the balance in your life? Here’s the lecture from Friday on net force, equilibrium, and equilibrants. Were you experiencing a little déjà vu? Tonight’s homework is Pg. 143 – 146: 7 – 12 AND the Equilibrant Forces worksheet.

Short lesson, but good job today! Thank you, Will and Van, for being such good sports!!!

PHYSICS10-25-13 Forces & Equilibrium from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Image source…/2009/08/tug-o-war1.jpg

Hon Chemistry 10-25-13 Empirical & Molecular Formulas

HON CHEMISTRY: Awesome job today!! You just about figured out how to find an empirical formula all by yourself! I love the way you were able to think through what you knew and what you needed to find a solution!

Be sure and practice – if you don’t it’ll get all turned around and you’ll end up leaving off an important step. The hardest part is that it’s not a set formula for you to plug and play, but if you’ll keep in mind that you’re really just looking for subscripts which are just moles, you’ll be able to think it through. Percent to mass, mass to moles, moles to smallest whole number ratio.

And then, also remember what molecular formulas are – just a multiple of the empirical formula. Keep that concept in mind, and you’ll have no problem remembering to divide the molecular formula mass by the empirical formula mass to find X! Easy peasy!

HON CHEMISTRY 10-25-13 Empirical & Molecular Formulas from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by Elizabeth The Queen Of All Things


Hon Chemistry 10-24-13 Percent Composition

HON CHEMISTRY: Great job today… although, it was really weird watching you chew gum in class! Don’t forget to continue to think like a scientist as you write up your lab report. Also, be sure to include as part of your conclusion reasons for any error you might have had or why you didn’t have any at all.

I think you’ll find that percent composition problems are super easy to catch on to. Make sure, though, you can write chemical formulas (I won’t give them to you!) and that you’ve memorized the formulas for acids and those common substances from #58. It’s just plug and play from there! 🙂

HON CHEMISTRY 10-24-13 Percent Composition from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by Τϊζζ¥

Chemistry 10-23-13 Oxidation Numbers

CHEMISTRY: One man’s rust is another student’s lesson in chemistry! From Wednesday – here’s the lecture on oxidation numbers. Now go out and apply them! Need help? Don’t forget the practice at Go to Also – help session tomorrow morning at 7:15ish A.M.

UPDATE: Homework change – do the book work, make corrections to Chemical Formulas worksheet 1, and bring Worksheet 2 to class but don’t do it yet.

How have you been doing on the polyatomic ion quizzes? What about the pre-test MONDAY? For the pre-test you need to have memorized (and be able to use!!): polyatomic ions, monatomic ions (but you can get these off the periodic table), acids, prefixes, the chemical names and formulas of common substances, and the oxidation rules.

That’s a lot, but you can do it! And make double dog sure you are working hard at memorizing it all now!!

HON CHEMISTRY 10-17-13 Oxidation Numbers from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by scottwillis

Chemistry 10-22-13 Chemical Formula Practice

CHEMISTRY – Yeah, don’t you wish it was as easy as this rule? The rules for writing chemical formulas, I mean. But no, it seems like there are about 50 million, and you have to keep them all straight! What is the one thing that would help you the most with this? Memorizing polyatomic ions? Memorizing rules for naming? More practice?

Here’s my best advice – first, memorize what you are supposed to memorize – polyatomic ions, rules, etc. Next, organize your notes into what you do for ionic compounds, those with metals and polyatomic ions, and what you do for molecules, those with only nonmetals and metalloids. Next, analyze every single compound you have to name or write a formula for – is it ionic? then you only use the Stock system. Is it a molecule – then you can use the Stock system or prefixes. Do you see what I mean?

Don’t just try to wing it! You’ve got the tools you need, now go use them!!

CHEMISTRY 10-22-13 Chemical Formulas Practice from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by Gord McKenna


Hon Chemistry 10-22-13 Moles to Mass to Molecules

HON CHEMISTRY: Awesome job today using chemical formulas as tools! So, it turns out there are tons of ways that you can use a chemical formula. Like finding molar mass, moles, and molecules! Did it all sound familiar to you – like we were repeating yesterday’s lecture? Here’s the lecture from today.

P. S. Did you realize how super important it’s going to be for you to be able to correctly write chemical formulas (and memorize all that formula stuff)?!?

HON CHEMISTRY 10-22-13 Molar Mass & Avogadro’s Number with Compounds from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Physics 10-22-13 Forces & Newton’s Law of Inertia

PHYSICS: So what’s your theory about the cause of motion? And remind me again why didn’t that pen go flying across the room instead of dropping into the bottle? I love Newton’s first law – the law of inertia! Where else do you see it in action in your world?

So, let’s play with this concept tomorrow. Can you use what you know about mass and inertia to find the mass of an unknown object? I know you can! 🙂

PHYSICS 10-22-13 Inertia from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Hon Chemistry 10-21-13 Moles, Molar Mass & Avogadro’s Number

HON CHEMISTRY: So….you think if his work helped us understand something as significant as the number of something in a mole they might name something after him? They did! Go figure! Another name for the number of anything in a mole is Avogadro’s Number. That would be how many?

You caught on super fast today! Remember, it’s all in terms of one mole. The mass of one mole, the molar mass, is the average atomic mass of the element in grams (periodic table). And the number of atoms in one mole is …. well you know that. Speaking of moles, isn’t he cute? Well, beauty being in the eye of the beholder and all. Hmmmm………

Oh yes – we’re having an all chemistry help session on writing and naming chemical formulas tomorrow – Tuesday, tomorrow – 7:15ish A.M., and you’re invited!

HON CHEMISTRY 10-21-13 Intro to Moles from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Image source

Chemistry 10-21-13 Binary Molecular Formulas

CHEMISTRY: Do you feel like you have letter and numbers swimming in your eyes? This is one of those times that paying attention to details is super, super important! Here’s the lecture from today on writing formulas and names for binary molecular compounds. Part of it’s really similar to what you learned to do last week for ionic compounds, but another part is totally different. Details!!

Make sure you keep everything straight. Do something that will organize all the information for you, so you won’t get confused. Also, don’t forget the lists you have to memorize, especially the one for Friday – polyatomic ions!! And practice, practice, practice!!!

Help Session tomorrow morning, 7:15ish A.M.!

CHEMISTRY 10-21-13 Binary Molecular Formulas from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by Roger Smith


Chemistry 10-18-13 Chemical Formulas with Polyatomic Ions

CHEMISTRY: Great job today! Do you understand better now? Remember – baby steps, first binary ionic compounds, and now, formulas with polyatomic ions. Begin learning them now! And practice, practice, practice!!

Speaking of practice – did you get the homework change for this weekend? HW: #2 – 8, 21, 23, 41 at the end of chapter 7.

Another great idea, click here for a copy of the Hints for Naming Chemical Formulas Flow Chart. And have a great weekend!!

CHEMISTRY 10-18-13 Chemical Names & Formulas, Pt. 2 from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by skycaptaintwo
