Hon Chemistry 3-25-13 Describing Chemical Reactions

HON CHEMISTRY: So tell me again – how do you know if a chemical reaction has occurred? Poor red gummy bear! Here’s the lecture from the evidences of a chemical change and the intro to balancing chemical equations. Great to be back to chemistry!

flickr photo by vmaddalena


Chemistry 3-25-13 Polyatomic Ions & Molecular Geometry

CHEMISTRY: Hey guys, great job adding the next step to Lewis structures with polyatomic ions – and now molecular geometry! Who knew we’d be doing geometry in chemistry?!? Here’s the lecture on both from today.

Advice for Lewis structures – don’t forget to count the electrons! And then double check the number of electrons. And when you think it’s right, count the electrons!! 🙂

Advice for molecular geometry? Make sure you know how to draw Lewis structures, then determine the type of ABE structure and you’ve got it. Easy-peazy! Meet you in the computer lab tomorrow!
