PHYSICS: So why do instruments that are playing the same note sound so different? Here’s the lecture from Monday on harmonics & beats.
Have you ever seen sound? Here’s an applet you might be interested in checking out: The vOICe Java Applet. Click on the name, or it’s at You might have to update Java – I did.
So how exactly does harmonics work into harmonies and dissonance? Does it have something to do with beats?
We should totally move the Rube project due date…. 🙂
I agree with Kam! Hope the test went well today.
Where do we put our rube goldberg project?
What time will we be getting back on Friday?
Andrew – I’m guessing around 10ish – depends on how long we stay at the park and at Lambert’s.
I’ve never been so happy to be finished with a project as I am with Rube.
Oh, and what was our Six Flags Pre-Assignment that was on our syllabus?
Jakin – Come by and pick it up before you leave for the banquet tomorrow. You’ll be picking the ride you are going to be experimenting on.
We dont have a web post this week do we?
I am SOOO excited for Six Flags tomorrow!!!!!!
Megan – Me too! 🙂
Mr. Freeze was my favorite ride!!! #yayforcrips
Mr.Freeze was my favorite ride today
Finally we are at lamberts!!
I can’t believe this is my last post ever. Thanks for a great year!
When will we be starting exam review?
How does Harmonics and Beats create chords? I understand how beats are created, but do these have any effect when playing a group of notes in harmony?