Hon Chemistry 10-11-11 Binary Molecular Formulas & Oxidation Numbers

HON CHEMISTRY: Well, how are the chemical formulas coming? I think you’re doing pretty good on writing the formulas, but what about naming compounds? Help session? Don’t forget to add a few more things to your “make sure you memorize for the test” list: binary acids, oxyacids, prefixes, and oxidation rules. Oxidation rules! We’ve really already been using oxidation numbers, you just didn’t know it! 🙂

Since the recording is acting up, I’ve posted an old lecture, but I’ll put this year’s thrilling lecture up if it ever cooperates! 😉

flickr photo by scottwillis

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6 thoughts on “Hon Chemistry 10-11-11 Binary Molecular Formulas & Oxidation Numbers

  1. Ms. Skinner, on our homework, question number 20 says to refer to item 11. I am pretty sure it means question number 11, but I wanted to make sure that it means that. Is the question referring to question 11 or something else?

  2. Ms. Skinner, do oxidation numbers refer to the charge of the compound? Or in the case of an ion, do they refer to the charge of the ion?

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