Chemistry 11-16-11 Molecular Formulas

CHEMISTRY: Hey guys! Awesome job with empirical formulas, and now you’ve conquered writing molecular formulas! It’s just like writing empirical formulas, but with a twist at the end! By the way, if you’d like some practice or if you have questions – help session Friday morning, 7:15 A.M. Also, don’t forget make-up labs are Thursday morning at 7:15 A.M. and Thursday afternoon at 3:30 P.M. 🙂

flickr photo by Sebastian Mary

Chemistry 4-5-11 Molecular Formulas

CHEMISTRY: Hey guys! Awesome job with empirical formulas, and now you’ve conquered writing molecular formulas! It’s just like writing empirical formulas, but with a twist at the end! By the way, if you’d like some practice or if you have questions – help session Thursday morning, 7:15 A.M. 🙂

flickr photo by Sebastian Mary