Physics 9-6-13 Pelicans & Rockets (Chapter 2 Overview, Pt. 1)

PHYSICS – Happy Friday! Here’s the beginning of the overview of chapter 2. Towards the end – the pelican problem and a start on the rocket that stopped. Or did it?

Are you becoming more comfortable with working problems? When selecting formulas, it’s always a good idea to ask yourself “Why?”. Why can you use this formula? Why is it legit? Why is it the best one? Is there a better route to the solution? And then, continue to practice them over and over til it starts to become second nature! Btw – did we come to a final decision about a help session Tuesday morning?

I really appreciate your work this week! Have a great weekend!! 🙂

PHYSICS 9-6-13 Chapter 2 Overview, Pt. 1 from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by w4nd3rl0st (InspiredinDesMoines)

Physics 9-3-13 Free Fall Acceleration

PHYSICS – So how about a little free fall? Here’s our short discussion on acceleration due to gravity. What’s your reaction time? Knowing what you now know, is there a way for you to figure that out? Let’s play with the problems tomorrow and see if we can do something useful with free fall!

Hey – how are the labs coming? You can put them all in your paper lab book or in your digital lab book (on Google Drive), but remember that all after the density lab must be put in Google Drive. In either case, make sure you are following the Digital Lab Report Manuscript Form.

PHYSICS 9-3-13 Free Fall from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

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