Physics 1-4-18 Impulse-Momentum Theorem

PHYSICS: Champions of the Marshmallow Blow Gun shoot off! I declare you co-champions! 🙂

And wait – so that’s why you need good running shoes! Here’s our discussion from today on the intro to momentum and the impulse-momentum theorem. Did you understand the relationship between force and time? Let’s see if you can put it to practice tomorrow!

Have you looked at the syllabus? It may be really important – especially as pertains to future endeavors! 😉

Physics Light Bulb Drop Project 1-16-12

PHYSICS: Will it break?!? Good luck – but of course it’s a lot more than luck! Don’t forget what you learned about impulse and change in momentum. And bouncing! Don’t forget to bring a light bulb. Or two? And it would be a great idea to go back over the Light Bulb Drop Project Sheet


Physics 1-4-12 Impulse-Momentum Theorem

PHYSICS Welcome back and happy new year! Didn’t realize you would be so good at shooting marshmallows. Remind me to never let David near a poison dart gun! Here’s the lecture from Wednesday on the intro to momentum and the impulse-momentum theorem. Did you understand the relationship between force and time? Let’s see if you can put it to practice tomorrow! And thanks Matt!!

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