Chemistry 3-23-12 Covalent Bonds & Intro to Lewis Structures

CHEMISTRY: Well, since we began the weeks with learning how we can’t always trust what we think our eyes see, and then we ended the week with dots, I thought this would be the perfect picture to go with today’s vodcast. Can you count the black dots? How many? Are you sure?

Good luck practicing Lewis Structures this weekend! You’ll be seeing dots all over the place before you know it!! 🙂

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Hon Chemistry 2-28-12 Ionic Bonding

HON CHEMISTRY: Hey guys, here’s the lecture from Tuesday on ionic bonding. Wow, we missed a whole bunch of you. Hope you get well soon, I don’t like having class without you!

Back to ionic bonds – keep in mind that when you write ionic bonding, you’re not trying to arrange a single structure like you do with Lewis structures. Instead, you’re writing an equation that shows electrons being lost by one atom and gained by another atom. And make sure you put the dots in the right order!

Also important, pay close attention to the comparisons of ionic and covalent bonds – and WHY! And whatever you do, stay away from bubble baths if you have mortal enemies!
