Hon Chemistry 11-16-11 Structure of the Atom

HON CHEMISTRY – Hey guys, Here’s the lecture from Thursday on how scientists began to determine the structure of the atom and the existence of subatomic particles. FYI – as we go on, make sure you know the name of the scientists, the name of their experiments, be able to draw a diagram of their experiment, and describe how they interpreted the experimental results that led to their discoveries. Wow, that’s a mouthful!

Don’t forget the videos in the Vodpod below! They will help a lot as you review the different scientists experiments. BTW – Do you think there could be anything smaller? Than an electron, I mean??

One last thing – remember that make-up labs are Thursday morning at 7:15 A.M. and Thursday afternoon at 3:30 P.M. 🙂

flickr photo by Here’s Kate