Chemistry 3-27-24 Lost… Project Due Date REQUIREMENTS

CHEMISTRY: How’s your work coming with the project? Have you organized yourself? Here are the  work due dates for the rest of the projects that will help you stay on top of things. Keep in mind that the first two homework dates below just show the bare minimum you should have done by then.

Lost… Project Due Date REQUIREMENTS

Phase 2A Assignment –  Items Planning Sheet (Google Docs) with 23 ENTRIES – due April 2, 11:59 PM

    • The Google Doc template you’ll work from is here on the website under the Project tab
    • Turn in Google Doc to your Chemistry Shared folder
    • Having more done than 23 is strongly suggested.

Phase 2B Assignment – Copies of Sources (Google Slides) with 23 SLIDES  – due April 9, 11:59 PM

    • The Google Slides template you’ll work from is here on the website under the Project tab
    • Turn in Google Slides to your Chemistry Shared folder
    • Having more done than 23 is strongly suggested

Final Project Due – April 16, 11:59 PM

    • Lost. . . Project due on or before Tuesday, April 16, at 11:59 P.M. If you are absent for any reason that day, the complete project is still due on or before this time. Late projects will not be accepted.
    • FOUR things you turn in:

#1 and #2 –  Research Paper Google Doc and Research Paper PDF

#3 and #4 – Sources in Google Slides and Sources PDF

    • WHERE you turn in your Research Project

1)      Chemistry Shared folder in Google Drive (Google Doc, Google Slides & 2 PDFs)

2) (only both PDFs)


Hon Chemistry 3-25-24 Orbital Notation

HON CHEMISTRY: Wow, you did a great job today! Did quantum numbers begin making more sense when you started using them? Good work with orbital notation. I think you’re going to be seeing arrows and numbers in your sleep!

Be sure and practice with the homework tonight, and don’t forget to use the Aufbau “chart”! Did you figure out the riddle!

flickr photo by Iguana Jo

Chemistry 3-25-24 Structure of the Atom

CHEMISTRY – Chocolate chip cookie dough model of the atom? That’s what Thompson thought the atom must look like! Here’s our discussion of how scientists began to determine the structure of the atom and the existence of subatomic particles.

For each, make sure you know the name of the scientists, the name of their experiments, be able to draw a diagram of their experiment, and describe how they interpreted the experimental results that led to their discoveries. Wow, that’s a mouthful!

As we continue the explore the discovery of the structure of the atom, here are some video clips that I want everyone to watch that will help make things a bit clearer. Click here for the video on the Cathode Ray Tube Experiment that Thompson did, and also for the video clips that I want you to watch on The Discovery of the Electron and The Discovery of the Nucleus. All of these will be great tools in studying for the test!

flickr photo by pixxiestails

Chemistry 3-22-24 Intro to Atomic Theory

CHEMISTRY: Here’s the our discussion on how we ended up with the atomic theory. Had you ever heard of Lavosier, Proust, and Dalton?

Pretty impressive little theory that Dalton came up with, huh? Were you surprised as you made comparisons with the Modern Atomic Theory? Could you now take it a step further and show connections between the three laws we discussed today and Dalton’s atomic theory?

Hon Chemistry 3-22-24 Quantum Model of the Atom & Quantum Numbers

HON CHEMISTRY: Great job with quantum numbers today! Wow, it was a lot. Confused yet?

Don’t worry! Today you learned all the background information about quantum numbers. Monday we will begin putting it all together 🙂

Here are some video clips that begin to show the connection between our lab on spectroscopy, the hydrogen emission spectrum, and how we can identify elements – including the one from today on why it’s all important. They’ll be very helpful as you study!!

The Electromagnetic Spectrum (not the song!)
Emission Spectrum of Hydrogen
Animated Quantum Video is the one that explains all about why scientists began to believe that electrons could be acting as waves

Cartoon courtesy of

Chemistry 3-19-24 Lost… Project Discussion

Great discussion today on the Lost in the Danakil Depression project. Here’s the recording from today. Good stuff!

DUE Monday, March 25, by class time. This first worksheet is due for ALL 23 the items on the list. Submit Google Doc to your Chemistry Shared folder. Make your own copy before you start filling it in: FIRST Lost… Project Research Sheet

Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash

Lost in the Danakil Depression

Welcome to a great adventure! You’ve learned so much this year – not just concepts, but skills, and you’re still learning! I can’t wait to see how you are going to apply it all!

Here’s the place where you can post your questions about the “Lost…”. First answer – the due date is Tuesday, April 16.

A really useful hint? Go back and re-read the project again – this time with a highlighter. It’s amazing how much I miss the first time I read something. So what’s your next question?

Here’s another copy of the first part of the project, if you need it:

Lost in the Danakil Depression – Regular Chemistry
Lost in the Danakil Depression – Honors Chemistry

DUE Monday, March 25, by class time. This first worksheet is due for ALL 23 the items on the list. Submit Google Doc to your Chemistry Shared folder. Make your own copy before you start filling it in: FIRST Lost… Project Research Sheet