Chemistry 4-22-24 Half Life

CHEMISTRY: Have these banana’s been through too many half lives for you?? Great job thinking through the half-life problems! Be sure and practice, practice, practice!

For homework, be sure and follow along with your notes! These problems aren’t super difficult, but if you don’t practice the right way, you’ll be as lost as a ball in high weeds!!

flickr photo by Per Pettersson

Hon Chemistry 4-18 & 19-24 Elements Occurrences & Uses

HON CHEMISTRY: Wow! Did you every dream there was that much interesting and important stuff to know about the s, p, d, and f block elements?! For Thursday and Friday, here’s our look at the s, d, f a& p block elements.

As you are studying, make sure you go back and practice figuring out the period, block, group, and type of element from the electron configuration. And don’t forget the topics I asked you to research for yourself that you will find on the Chapter 5 Stuff to Know Sheet!!

To make your research even more interesting(!), there are some really interesting videos with tons of useful information at this site: Go pop some popcorn and have some movie time!

The videos that you must watch from the s-block for the test are potassium, magnesium, and calcium.

The elements from the d block that I especially want you to watch are copper and mercury. And there are other interesting ones you might like to watch just for fun!

The element video from the f-Block that you need to watch is: uranium.

And the element videos you need to watch for the p-Block are carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, and chlorine.

For Thursday, Part 1

For Friday, Part 2

flickr photo by Wolfram Burner

Chemistry 4-19-24 Radiation Units & Artificial Transmutations

CHEMISTRY: Wow! We made artificial elements! Well, on paper at least 😉

So you can take something that’s not radioactive and make it radioactive? Here’s the lecture on units of radiation and then artifical transmutations.

Also – here’s a link to the video we watched in class on Californium – made right next door at Oak Ridge! Do you think they will make it to element 120?!?

flickr photo by Serpa Júnior

Lost… Project Web Post Comment

I can’t wait to read your projects and find out what you did to survive!! Speaking of – did you do more than just survive? Here’s where you post you comment for the week.

Web post topic – What did you learn from the Lost… Project (this time only, discuss things not related to chemistry). What did God teach you through the project?


Lost in the Danakil Depression – The Last Weekend!!!

I’m praying for you as you finalize your project this weekend. I believe in you! You can do it!!!

Here are a few hints and advice – lots more great stuff is on the Final Notes & Advice sheet under the Project tab!

1. Make sure you internally document everything! That includes anything you talk about. Also, make sure your illustrations have an internal documentation typed/written on them. (Yes, you have to have illustrations! If you don’t something’s wrong.)

2. As a chemist, you must talk about all 23 items – why they would be good to use or why you would not want to use them. NEVER say you had no use for the item. You will not get credit if you do.

3. Don’t wait to do your Works Cited page last. Do it before you finish the final draft of your paper. It takes a while to compile a Works Cited and if you don’t have one, I cannot accept your paper. It would be better to have a few mistakes in your paper than to not turn in a Works Cited.

4. Save as you go! Go ahead and save a copy of your latest rough draft in your Shared folder – label it rough draft for now. This way, if something happens in your drive or if your computer crashes at the last minute, I’ll be able to see that you have been working on your paper.

5. Get someone that you trust to read over your paper and check it against the project guideline sheet that I gave you – especially the Manuscript Form Checklist. They’ll be able to help you find things you might have left off.

You can do great things! I believe in you and I can’t wait to read your paper!

Image by Walter Frehner from Pixabay