Physics 10-22-19 And Did the Hammock Crash?

PHYSICS: Great work today thinking through this one and also the “Wanda has a sign” problems! How you look at problems from the beginning can make a huge difference – huh?

A couple of things that work for me when doing equilibrium, etc., problems – first, draw them. Then go back through and separate resultants into components. If an object is in equilibrium, then there are no net forces – all the forces in the x direction balance – everything left equals everything right, and all the forces up equal all the forces down.

You’ve got all the ammo you need, now go forth and conquer!

Answers for the Equilibrants II worksheet are below:

  1. Fn = 3430 N upward against feet
  2. Fn1 = Fn2 = 1890 N upward on each foot
  3. F forward = 4.59 N
  4. T1 = T2 = 1760 N
  5. T1 = 1360 N and T2 = 680. N

flickr photo by Nomadic Lass

Hon Chemistry 10-22-19 Chemical Formulas with Polyatomic Ions

HON CHEMISTRY: Great job today! Remember it’s like baby steps, first binary ionic compounds, and now, formulas with polyatomic ions. Begin learning them now! And practice, practice, practice!!

Another great idea, click here for a copy of the Hints for Naming Chemical Formulas Flow Chart, or find it under the Worksheet/Handouts Tab. Follow it every time you name chemical formulas!!

flickr photo by skycaptaintwo