Are You Ready for the Exam?!?

flickr photo by NinJA999

WOW! It has been an incredibly awesome year for me, and I hope it has been for you too! God bless you as you are studying for your chemistry & honors chemistry exam! If you need a break, check out this awesome review of the elements: The Element Song or this New Periodic Table Song, but don’t get distracted by the challenge!!

EXAM ROOM ASSIGNMENTS are listed below. IMPORTANT – Bring your exam review packet to the chemistry room before you go to your exam room! (And the chemistry textbook if you checked one out!!)

It is super, super important so study YOUR VERY BEST and remember to practice, practice, practice! This exam can make a HUGE difference in your average. FINISH STRONG, like you’ve been working all year!! Make flashcards out of the vocab, formulas, types of chemical reactions, etc. Practice writing chemical formulas, balancing equations, working the problems – try the practice tests on the online textbook or on, they’ll be really helpful. And get yourself plenty of snacks! 🙂

How’s the exam review coming? You know, I don’t just give you that thing for the extra credit. I give it to you because it will help you get organized and help you remember everything that’s going to be on the exam. As you answer each topic, keep studying it, if you’re having trouble!

EXAM ROOM ASSIGNMENTS are listed below. IMPORTANT – Bring your exam review packet to the your exam room on TUESDAY. God bless you, I’m praying for you!!

Chemistry – 1st Period 303 Tapp
Chemistry – 2nd Period 302 Bagwell
Chemistry – 3rd Period 304 Henderson
Chemistry – 4th Period 300 Sheron
Honors Chemistry 301 DeFrehn

Your LAST Web Post Comment!!

Can you believe it?!? This is your LAST web post comment!! This is where you put it and here are the three things I want you to talk about:

1) How did chemistry grow you? What did you learn about yourself?
2) What advice do you have for future chemistry students?
3) What could we have done different this year that would have helped you learn chemistry better?

Can’t wait to hear from you!! 🙂

Hon Chemistry 5-14-19 Acids & Bases & pH

HON CHEMISTRY Great intro to the properties of acids and bases! Can you think you of ways to apply these concepts?

How are you doing on calculating pH? Acids mean H30+ ions and pH, bases mean OH- ions and pOH. Get the pH of an acid straight from the concentration of the acid. Get the pH of a base by first finding the pOH straight from the concentration of the base and then subtracting that from 14. No problem!! So how do you think someone would use pH?

Don’t forget about learning those indicator colors I told you about. Can you think of anything else that might be a natural indicator? What about tea? Have you noticed how it changes to a lighter shade when you add lemon?

Image by Nick D. Kim

Hon Chemistry 5-13-19 Gas Laws

HON CHEMISTRY: Our quick look at some of the really cool gas laws: Henry’s law, Boyle’s law, Charles law, Gay-Lussac’s law. These guys did great work – and you’ve got to love their hair!!

Great job applying what they discovered to scuba diving and hot air balloons! What else can you apply to everyday life?

Photo by Chris Slupski on Unsplash

Chemistry 5-10-19 Activity Series & Chapter 8 Review

CHEMISTRY: Great way to end the chapter! Here is our overview of the test, one last look at the activity series, and practice from the worksheet from last night. Need more practice? Help session Monday morning, 7:20ish A.M.

Practice, practice, practice balancing equations! Also, don’t forget to give yourself time to practice the chemical formulas and symbols you’ve memorized, and you must memorize your notes so that you can apply that information! I’m praying for you as you prepare for the test!!

Chemistry 5-9-19 Types of Chemical Reactions

CHEMISTRY: Happy Thursday! Okay, maybe balancing equations isn’t exactly like this, but…..

Here are the notes from today hints for balancing equations and then our discussion on the types of chemical reactions. Do you feel a little better about them?

UPDATE for tomorrow – we’re going to postpone the lab til next week (probably Tuesday) and do a little more balancing equations practice before the test on Monday! Fun times!! 🙂

Photo by KT on Unsplash

Hon Chemistry 5-8-19 Stoichiometry Review

HON CHEMISTRY: Best way to learn how to do stoichiometry problems, limiting reactant, and percent yield problems is to practice them correctly! Here’s your assignment for today. Practice problems from all of these sections on IMPORTANT: You can skip the problems that involve volume – or if you want to know, for gases at STP, 1 mol = 22.4 L.

If you get them right – Yay!! If you don’t, look underneath the Show Answer tab – there will be an explanation for how the problem was supposed to be worked.

You don’t have to get a certain number right – I’m holding you accountable to be responsible enough to know how much you should practice. Guess how I will know if you practiced enough??

Hon Chemistry 4-26-18 Chapter 9 Test Overview

HON CHEMISTRY: I still say stoichiometry is a lot like baking – sometimes you just have to get in there and get your hands dirty! Here is our overview of the test today. Again I want to emphasize – the majority of the test is basic reaction stoichiomety, limiting reactants and percent yield. Be sure and give that the most of your study time!

Also, review writing and balancing chemical reactions. Most of the stoichiometry problems will require that you begin by doing just that! There will be just one extra jumbo large problem. You’ve got this!! 🙂

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

Chemistry 5-7-19 Describing Chemical Reactions

CHEMISTRY: So you learned last semester how to determine if a chemical reaction has taken place. How would you go about describing a chemical reaction to someone? Here’s our discussion from today on writing balanced chemical equations!

Chemical formula memorization quiz tomorrow! First step in writing equations? Make sure you can write chemical formulas! First step to that? Memorization!! The quiz tomorrow will have writing and naming monatomic ions, polyatomic ions, and acids. It will be short – 18 questions in all.

So tell me again – how do you know if a chemical reaction has occurred?

Photo by Alex Holyoake on Unsplash