Chemistry 2-15-19 Bohr Model & Quantum Model of the Atom

CHEMISTRY: So which are they? Are electrons particles or are they waves? Here’s the lecture from Friday. If you’re still having questions, you will not only want to watch this vodcast again, but also you might watch these video clips that we saw in class today – The Emission Spectrum of Hydrogen, and also this one Animated Quantum Mechanics.

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23 thoughts on “Chemistry 2-15-19 Bohr Model & Quantum Model of the Atom

  1. This week I would rate myself a 4/5 because i did well on the labs and homework as well as understanding them. I greatly enjoyed the emission spectra of elements lab and seeing the different colors emitting from the different elements.

  2. I would rate myself a 4/5 this week because i understood the lab we did and also enjoyed it. I also did well on my homework and will keep practicing for the test

  3. This week I would rate myself a 3.5/5. My concerns from this week was reading the spectrums correctly instead of backwards. Also distinguishing the colors we used, this threw me off. I thought I was good at telling which color is which but when you look at them all together it’s harder. I really did have fun this week though looking at the spectrums and different lights.

  4. This week I rate myself a 4/5. I’ve really understood the notes and this lessson is really interesting and I’ve already learned so much about the history of the periodic table. This week I could have done a better job of keeping up with doing my homework ahead of time, but I got it all done. I plan to get ahead on studying for the test this weekend.

  5. I rate myself a 4/5 because the labs I thought I did good on this week. They were fun and I really liked learning about the color spectrum. I’m getting ready for the next test already and I’m not gonna fail the next one.

  6. I rate myself a 4/5 this week because i think that i did really well on my labs. I think that they really helped me understand more about visible light and the spectrum.

  7. I rate myself a 4/5 this week because I think this week and the labs this week were fascinating. I enjoyed learning about the spectrum by using spectrometers and light diffraction. Overall this was a fun week in chemistry

  8. I rate myself a 4/5 this week. The labs this week were both fascinating and fun. I enjoyed using a spectrometer and light diffraction to see the spectrum of different element powered lights. Overall this was a fun week in chemistry.

  9. Im giving myself a 3.5/5 this week because i didnt do so well on the homework but im figuring it out. I liked doing the labs too, it was cool to see what we were talking about in class.

  10. i would rate myself a 4/5 for this week. I did well on the homework and labs, i am not doing too well on managing my time. next week, i am going to look ahead at what i have and finish as much as i can early.

  11. I rate myself a 3/5 this week. I feel like i understood the material but i forgot some homework this week and it hurt my grade.

  12. This week I rate myself a 3/5. Earlier this week forgot to turn in some of the homework. I liked learning the lessons and doing the labs.

  13. I rate myself a 3/5 I enjoyed the labs this week and getting to use colored pencils I also understood the materials and found learning about noble gasses interesting although I forgot to do a home work I plan to make it up with this next week to come.

  14. i rate myself a 2/5 because i forgot a homework and didn’t take notes. I did do the labs well though. I will have to take notes next week !!

  15. I rate myself a 3/5 this week I did good on the labs but I failed to turn them in properly but other than that I understood what we learned and how to do better next week.

  16. This week I would rate myself a 3/5 because I really like doing the labs and understood why we were doing them. The lab were easy to follow and fun to do. By the end of the week, I felt like I better understood the notes in class because of the labs this week.

  17. I would rate myself a 4/5 this week. I think I did a good job on my labs and homework this week. I do feel like I have a genuine understanding of most of the material we covered in the labs and I enjoyed my time observing the different lights.

  18. I rate myself a 3/5 this week. The labs were pretty easy to do and understand. Wish I did not forget about one nights homework but overall had a good week. The notes we took in class I understand them.

  19. This week I would rate myself a 6.626×10-34/10 (you get it). I have been enjoying and understanding the concepts in class, and I feel excited to come to class everyday. I feel like I did well on both parts of the Spectroscopy Lab.

  20. I would rate myself a 4/5 for this week because I did think I did good on the labs and worked hard. I also tried to take good notes.

  21. This week I would rate myself a 3/5. I could have done better with my time management and my responsibility. However, I thought I did okay on turning in my homework.

  22. I rate myself a 3/5. I didn’t do very well with my time management on my homework this week but I understood what we learned in the labs.

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