Physics 1-11-19 Collision Homework

PHYSICS: Here’s a new way to study collisions! Somebody’s having way too much fun with veggies!

How are you doing with last night’s homework? Here’s our look at some of the conceptual questions and a look at setting up some of the homework.

Are you ready to crank it up a bit? Here’s a hint – check for connections between the conservation of momentum and the conservation of energy. You can do it!

flickr photo by Rhian Tebbutt Photography

Hon Chemistry 1-11-19 Photoelectric Effect

HON CHEMISTRY: Wow check out this awesome example of the photoelectric effect – a giant solar flower in Buenos Aires, Argentina! It moves as it follows the sun. Click on the link to learn more. There’s also a link below the vodcast. Giant Solar Flower

Awesome field trip today! Hey what about other applications of the photoelectric effect? Are there tiny people living in boxes above the doors at Wal-mart and Target? What about solar calculators? And hey – what about those automatic flush toilets?!

flickr photo by Stuck in Customs

Chemistry 1-11-19 Structure of the Atom, Pt. 2

CHEMISTRY: Happy Friday! Here’s the last of our discussion on how scientists discovered protons and neutrons. You know, in class yesterday and today I just gave you mostly one name to go with each, but don’t forget they work with other scientists to get the job done!!

Make sure you know the name of the scientists, the name of their experiments, be able to draw a diagram of their experiment, and describe how they interpreted the experimental results that led to their discoveries.

Here’s a video clip that will help you review: The Discovery of the Nucleus. And again – do you think there could be anything smaller than protons, neutrons, and electrons? Hmmmmm……

flickr photo by Here’s Kate

Physics 1-10-19 Collisions Problems with Energy & Bouncing

PHYSICS: Great job on the problems so far!! Here’s our look how kinetic and potential energy get involved – dart in the block of wood and the bird on the swing. This cute little bird isn’t on a swing, but he is one I came beak to nose with on a mission trip to Costa Rica!

What about even more practical applications? Light bulb? Questions??

Hon Chemistry 1-10-19 Wave Properties of Light

HON CHEMISTRY: Isn’t this a super cool picture of light? So tell me again, if we’re supposed to be figuring out electrons, why are we studying waves?

I’m thinking you’ve probably memorized the electromagnetic spectrum after that inspirational song; however, also sure you also know the uses of the different types (all except for long waves). Just in case you’d like to hear it again: Electromagnetic Spectrum Song

How’d you like the light problems so far? I forgot to turn on the mic receiver today, so I’m posting a lecture from last year. We’ll resume with the photoelectric effect tomorrow!

Hon Chemistry 1-10-17 The Electromagnetic Spectrum & Wave Properties of Light UPDATED from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by kevin dooley

Physics 1-9-19 Collisions

PHYSICS: Collisions – they’re all around us and they all obey the law of conservation of momentum. Great job on setting up the problems in class today – now on to working them tonight! Check for connections between the conservation of momentum and the conservation of energy. πŸ™‚

flickr photo by chavil brasil

Chemistry 1-9-19 Structure of the Atom, Pt. 1

CHEMISTRY – Chocolate chip cookie dough model of the atom? That’s what Thompson thought the atom must look like! Here’s the beginning of our discussion of how scientists began to determine the structure of the atom and the existence of subatomic particles. For each, make sure you know the name of the scientists, the name of their experiments, be able to draw a diagram of their experiment, and describe how they interpreted the experimental results that led to their discoveries. Wow, that’s a mouthful!

As we continue the explore the discovery of the structure of the atom, here are some video clips that I want everyone to watch that will help make things a bit clearer. Click here for the video on the Cathode Ray Tube Experiment that Thompson did, and also for the video clips that I want you to watch on The Discovery of the Electron and The Discovery of the Nucleus. All of these will be great tools in studying for the test!

flickr photo by pixxiestails

Chemistry 1-8-19 Intro to Atomic Theory

CHEMISTRY: So how do you feel about being made from earth, air, water, and fire? Here’s the intro we did on how we ended up with the atomic theory. Had you ever heard of Lavosier, Proust, and Dalton?

Pretty impressive little theory that Dalton came up with, huh? Were you surprised as you made comparisons with the Modern Atomic Theory? Could you now take it a step further and show connections between the three laws we discussed today and Dalton’s atomic theory?

Physics 1-4-19 Impulse-Momentum Theorem

PHYSICS: It’s a Marshmallow Blow Gun shoot off! Great way to begin second semester! πŸ™‚

And wait – so that’s why you need good running shoes! Here’s our discussion from today on the intro to momentum and the impulse-momentum theorem. Did you understand the relationship between force and time? Let’s see if you can put it to practice Monday!

Have you looked at the syllabus? It may be really important – especially as pertains to future endeavors! πŸ˜‰