Hon Chemistry 10-22-18 Formulas with Polyatomic Ions

HON CHEMISTRY: Are you starting to see letter and numbers in your sleep? Here’s our awesome discussion on writing chemical formulas with polyatomic ions. The same………but different?

Tons of memorization for this chapter – monatomic ions, polyatomic ions, and this is just the beginning! Start now!!

Photo by Fabio Santaniello Bruun on Unsplash

Hon Chemistry 10-19-18 Chemical Names & Formulas

HON CHEMISTRY: Great start on writing and naming chemical formulas! What did you think? Do-able? Absolutely! Make sure to take time to practice, practice, practice, and learn it step by step. You’ll be as lost as ball in high weeds if you let yourself get behind!

Tons of memorization for this chapter – monatomic ions, polyatomic ions, and this is just the beginning! Start now!!

flickr photo by designwallah

Physics 10-19-18 And Did the Hammock Crash?

PHYSICS: Great work today thinking through this one and also the “Wanda has a sign” problems! How you look at problems from the beginning can make a huge difference – huh?

A couple of things that work for me when doing equilibrium, etc., problems – first, draw them. Then go back through and separate resultants into components. If an object is in equilibrium, then there are no net forces – all the forces in the x direction balance – everything left equals everything right, and all the forces up equal all the forces down.

You’ve got all the ammo you need, now go forth and conquer!

Answers for the Equilibrants II worksheet are below:

  1. Fn = 3430 N upward against feet
  2. Fn1 = Fn2 = 1890 N upward on each foot
  3. F forward = 4.59 N
  4. T1 = T2 = 1760 N
  5. T1 = 1360 N and T2 = 680. N

flickr photo by Nomadic Lass

Physics 10-18-18 Forces & Equilibrium

PHYSICS: So, how is the balance in your life? Here’s our discussion of net force, equilibrium, and equilibrants. Were you experiencing a little déjà vu? Great job today!

HW update – do Equilibrant Forces WS 1 and, as possible, see if you can get a head start on Equilibrant Forces WS 2 🙂

Image source phoenix.fanster.com/…/2009/08/tug-o-war1.jpg

Chemistry Chapter 1 Pre-Test

CHEMISTRY: Here’s the Chapter 1 Pre-Test. Fill in your answers below. When you are finished, be sure and click Submit and check to see which ones you missed.Check the syllabus for the due date. Let’s see what you know! 🙂

P.S. Click here for a link if that will work better for you!
Chemistry Chapter 1 Pre-Test

Chemistry 10-17-18 Energy (And Updated Syllabus)

CHEMISTRY – Happy Day!! You just took the last notes from the chapter, now it’s time to go apply what you know!!

UPDATED SYLLABUS – Have you printed and checked it? Super important for new info.

Great review today! So can energy be destroyed? Good job on tracing the energy transformations from one form to another. Applications, applications! Make sure you can apply what you learned today – on the test (and in life!). Did I mention that already?

Hey, have you had a chance to check out the chapter 1 study suggestion sheet? Let me know if there is anything you need help with before the test! (And you’re still learning the symbols of the elements, right?!?) 🙂

Photo by Rodolfo Marques on Unsplash

Hon Chemistry 10-10 & 11-18 Elements & Intro to the Periodic Table

HON CHEMISTRY – Wow! Do you realize what we just did?!? We finished the chapter!!! Did you feel like today was mostly review?

Now to finish the element handbook search! You will be responsible for that information – both search 1 & 2, on the test. On the first part, tell enough to show what distinguishes that element as the type that it is, and also anything particularly unusual about the element, but don’t go into minute detail – just the main facts.

Another great resource for the Element Handbook Search (and for the TEST!!) are these video clips on copper, phosphorus, and silicon that a group of chemistry researchers have put together at www.periodicvideos.com. Watch these as you do the element handbook search. The information on these video clips will be on the test.

Hey, have you had a chance to check out the chapter 1 study suggestion sheet? Let me know if there is anything you need help with before the test! (And you’re still learning the symbols of the elements, right?!?)

flickr photo by pastaboy sleeps

Chemistry 10-2-18 Properties & Changes

CHEMISTRY: So how do you know if something is a physical or a chemical change? Applications, applications! Make sure you can apply what you learned today. Ditto on the law of conservation of mass.

Don’t forget that we will do the thLab: Candle Observation in class tomorrow. Make sure you have a printed copy!

flickr photo by ViaMoi

Chemistry 10-1-18 Intro to Chemistry

CHEMISTRY: We’re finally starting what chemistry is all about! Here’s the lesson from Monday. Can you apply the branches of chemistry and types of scientific work? As you go through the chapter, make sure you have the vocab down, and be sure you’re able to apply what you learned each day!

Now….how would you describe this copper ore? Let’s talk about that tomorrow!

Image source bonita-david.com