Chemistry 11-27-17 Mass-Moles-Molecules Review

CHEMISTRY: So how many molecules are in one drop of water? Good job figuring that out today!

You’ve got some great tools to use – be sure you know what to use and when to use it. Best way to learn that? Practice, practice, practice!!

Photo by zhang kaiyv on Unsplash

Physics 11-27-17 Intro to Work & Energy

PHYSICS: Funny thing about words, all this work you thought you’d been doing, was it work after all?

Great intro to chapter 5! I think you’ll do great with the work problems, just remember everything from the last chapter and multiply by d!

flickr photo by *hb19

Chemistry 11-16-17 Formula Mass & Molar Mass & Molecules

CHEMISTRY: So how many water molecules do you think are in this drop? Now you have enough information to find out. Can you figure it?

Here’s the lecture from Thursday on formula mass and molar mass, and then using molar mass and Avogadro’s number as a conversion factor. You’ve got a couple of great tools – so now think through the problems and go forth and conquer!! Be sure and practice them so you don’t forget!

Chemistry 11-14-16 Formula Mass & Molar Mass & Molecules from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by ecstaticist

Hon Chemistry 11-15-17 Intro to Atomic Theory

HON CHEMISTRY: So how do you feel about being made from earth, air, water, and fire? Here’s the very short intro we did on how we ended up with the atomic theory. Had you ever heard of Lavosier, Proust, and Dalton?

And how did you do with your comparison of Dalton’s Atomic Theory with the Modern Atomic Theory? Could you discuss it in more detail at a later date??

Chemistry 11-14 and 15-17 Moles, Mass, Atoms & Avogadro

CHEMISTRY: So… how big a bucket do you think we’d need to hold a mole of frogs? 🙂

Nope, not the furry brown creature that burrows underground, it’s a whole different thing! Here’s the lecture from Wednesday on moles, mass, and Avogadro’s number. Below that is our look at a couple of the homework problems with moles. I still say he has a cool name…

flickr photo by Thomas Hawk

Hon Chemistry 11-14-17 Chapter 7 Test Overview

HONORS CHEMISTRY: God bless you as you study for the test! Here’s our overview of the test from today. Also, right below today’s lesson, I’m posting a vodcast from a help session last year – writing and naming chemical formulas- just in case you might feel the need for another look…

Have you been using the “Chapter 7 Stuff to Know & Know How to Do” sheet? It’s a great way to get organized in studying for the test. I know it seems like a lot, but you can do it!

First priority – make sure that you have memorized EVERYTHING. Then, go to and make sure you can write and name chemical formulas. Practice, practice, practice!!! Then start practicing the different kinds of problems – do at least three of each one of them. And also try those on That’s always some good practice. God bless – I’ll be praying for you!

Photo by Alexandre Chambon on Unsplash

Hon Chemistry 11-11-16 Chemical Formulas Help Session

Hon Chemistry 11-11-16 Help Session from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Chemistry 11-10-17 Oxidation Numbers

CHEMISTRY: One man’s rust is another student’s lesson in chemistry! Great job today with oxidation numbers. Now it’s time to go and practice applying them! Need help? Decide on a time for the help session and let me know! 🙂

How did you do on the mock pre-test? Are you ready for the REAL pre-test TUESDAY? For the pre-test you need to have memorized (and be able to use!!): polyatomic ions, monatomic ions (but you can get these off the periodic table), acids, prefixes, the chemical names and formulas of common substances, and how to apply the oxidation rules to write and name chemical formulas.

That’s a lot, but you can do it! And make double dog sure you are working hard at memorizing it all now!!

flickr photo by scottwillis

PHYSICS 11-10-17 Forces with Pulleys and Friction

PHYSICS: Here’s a different take on forces – an application of horizontal forces, vertical forces, friction, all at once! Wow! Great job on solving the problem – can you now go see if you can solve it by yourself?

Thanks, Matthew, for the visual of almost weightlessness! 🙂

Hon Chemistry 11-9-17 Polymers

HON CHEMISTRY: Oh, my word! We finally finished the chapter! Have you had a chance to check out the Chapter 7 Stuff to Know sheet?

Also amazing – did you realize molecules could be that large? And so many of them! Don’t you think polymers are some pretty unique compounds? Let’s play with them tomorrow!

Some items for contemplation: why are certain plastics recyclable and others not…and what about dishwasher and microwave safe?

Image source:

Physics 11-9-17 Chapter 4 Concepts Review

PHYSICS: Great job on this chapter! And now you’ve met Julius Sumner Miller! You’ve done a great job applying the concepts and thinking through these problems! Practice, practice practice the problems, but don’t forget the conceptual stuff! Here’s our very short look at some additional concepts.

How do parachutes work? What causes whiplash and how do seat belts work? If you get a chance, finish watching the Julius Sumner Miller video on Newton’s 2nd law on You Tube. And also, here’s the link to the video clip I showed you on terminal velocity and the Physics of Skydiving I think they’ll all help a lot with the conceptual information

Tomorrow – one last look at the problems! 🙂

Photo by Sandis Helvigs on Unsplash