Hon Chemistry 9-20-17 Making Excel Graphs AND Graphing Exercise 1 – 2

HON CHEMISTRY: Today you are going to begin reviewing how to make your own hand drawn graphs AND learn how to make graphs on Excel by watching the video below at your own pace.

Here are the instructions for Wednesday. (You are going to be dreaming about graphs before it’s all over!)

IMPORTANT: The video you will watch has the assignments backwards – Ex 1 is now Ex 2, and Ex 2 is now Ex 1. What this basically means is that you will make the two graphs first – printed rough drafts of both are due Friday in class. And then, you will do the online graphing worksheet last – it must be submitted by this coming Monday, 8:00 A.M.

You can do this assignment at school or at home with your own computer. If you use any device other than a PC or any graphing tool other than Excel, you may need to modify the instructions to fit your device.

  1. Under the worksheet tab, open these three graphing handouts:
  2. Watch the vodcast below for further instructions on the assignment AND for a tutorial on how to make graphs in Excel.
    • When you get to the part of the video where I tell you that you can stop watching the tutorial, if you want to stop and work on your own, be sure and FIRST scroll to the end of the vodcast (at about minute 28:40) for hints on competing Exercise 2.
    • My advice is to use a split screen view on the laptop with the video on one side and Excel open on the other side of your laptop screen. Watch the video and at the same time pause it as you follow along with the steps in Excel. Holler if you need me to show you how to do a split screen view. Or Google it! 🙂
  3. When you begin working on the Graphing Exercise 2 assignment, pay very close attention to the instructions. (Watching the video will help.) Also, pay close attention to the sheet on How to Construct a Line Graph, and How to Make a Best Fit (Scatter Plot) Line Graph in Excel 2010 – UPDATED.
  4. Now go forth and conquer graphs!!

CHEMISTRY 9-16-14 Making Excel Graphs & Graphing Exercises 1 – 2 from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

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13 thoughts on “Hon Chemistry 9-20-17 Making Excel Graphs AND Graphing Exercise 1 – 2

  1. My triumph this was successfully completing and turning in my first lab report! I followed every direction carefully and made sure it was correct to the best of my knowledge. Also, I enjoyed using new applications to complete the assignment. The scannable app is awesome!!

  2. This week I struggled a bit. Since I missed a day at school, it felt like the end of the world, but I caught up relatively quickly, dedicating a whole study hall to catching up and even getting ahead of some people (shockingly). I still feel very stressed BUT I DIDN’T TAKE HOME ANY CHEMISTRY FOR THE FIRST NIGHT THIS SCHOOL YEAR YESTERDAY. I got a full day to relax and that’s a triumph if I’ve ever had one.

  3. This week I struggled with priorities. Instead of looking at my assignment pad and seeing what I should do, I procrastinated and didn’t do my homework. In class, I didn’t use all of my time to work diligently on the assignment. I worked slow and didn’t get a whole bunch done. Next week I will be sure I am ready for class, and I get started quickly on my assignment.

  4. I give myself a 3/5 this week because I was did fairly well at the technology assignments and turning in the lab report. But I also had a little trouble staying ahead at the graphing assignments. Next week I will try to get ahead better than I did this week.

  5. I’ve really been struggling this week with setting up graphs. Hopefully, as i go on I will harness my inner eighth grader/physical science student and better understand. Or at least I think that’s when we learned this… Anyway, this week isn’t going well but at least I will probably remember this in my future!

  6. I rate myself a 2/5 this week. I finished all of my homework, but I stayed up far too late each night this week. Thankfully I should be done with golf next week so I can fix my schedule and GET SOME SLEEP!!

  7. This week was definitely a struggle for me. My knowledge of computers is very limited and it took me a while to figure out how to operate everything, and I still have a LOT to learn. Hopefully with more experience I will feel more prepared, be able to utilize my time better, and possibly not be so stressed all the time. I very much appreciated the class’s patience and help.

  8. Triumph: this week I missed class on Friday so my triumph was not being crunched for time and getting all of my make up work done on time before I left.

  9. I’d give myself a 4/5 this week because I successfully completed my lab report and I’m getting better at using the computers! Hopefully next week I will be able to use the technology even faster.

  10. I would say this week was a triumph for me! I was able to finish the Fundamental Science Skills activity. Also, I am learning how to make graphs on paper and online. I feel like I am making significant progress on my assignments!

  11. A struggle I had this week was learning to graph at a higher level. A success I had this week was successfully turning in my first lab report.

  12. I would rate myself 4/5 this week. I did pretty well on my technology assignments but I procrastinated a lot especially this web post. Next week I will try to get my assignments more organized.

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