Chemistry 9-5-17 Conversion Factors

CHEMISTRY: Great job with our start on using conversion factors to work problems! Hopefully this was a review from your earlier academic life. We’ll crank it up a notch tomorrow!! 😉

Remember, this isn’t just about getting an answer – some of you can do that in your head. This is about being able to convert from one unit to another using the Q-formula. (And yes, you have to do it that way!)

Make sure you practice using your notes tonight, it’ll help you remember the steps we followed today in class!

If you need more practice on these or other problems – HELP SESSION tomorrow morning, Wednesday, 7:20ish A.M.

flickr photo by vnysia

Hon Chemistry 9-5-17 Conversion Factors

HON CHEMISTRY: So now you can figure out how fast you can drive in at least one parking lot in Guatemala! Good job on remembering how to use conversion factors!

Remember, this isn’t just about getting an answer – some of you can do that in your head. This is about being able to convert from one unit to another using the Q-formula. (And yes, you have to do it that way!)

Make sure you practice using your notes tonight, it’ll help you remember the steps we followed today in class!

If you need more practice on these or other problems – HELP SESSION tomorrow, Wednesday, morning, 7:20ish A.M.