Chemistry 2-2-17 Hydrogen Emission Spectrum & Bohr Model

CHEMISTRY: I figured anybody who ditched his honeymoon to finalize his work on atomic theory deserved to have his picture on our website. (And, by the way, great job making like electrons today – way to role play!)

Here are a couple of other links to some great video clip that begin to show the connection between our lab on spectroscopy, the hydrogen emission spectrum, and how we can identify elements. They’ll be very helpful as you study!! Spectrum of the Stars, The Emission Spectrum of Hydrogen

Below the lesson from today is the vodcast of the help session from this morning – wave problems. How are you doing with them?

Chemistry 2-2-17 Hydrogen Emission Spectrum & Bohr Model from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Image source

Chemistry 2-2-17 Chemistry Help Session – Wave Problems from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.