Hon Chemistry 1-19-17 Electron Configuration & Blocks of the Periodic Table

HON CHEMISTRY: Wow! You learned a lot today! Don’t we serve an awesome God?!? You probably knew the periodic table was really organized, but did you realize that it was THAT organized? Awesome!

Practice what you’ve learned!! You’ll get the hang of it and be as laid back as this “noble” fellow in no time! 😉

Hon Chemistry 1-19-17 Electron Configuration & Blocks of the Periodic Table from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by Rennett Stowe

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12 thoughts on “Hon Chemistry 1-19-17 Electron Configuration & Blocks of the Periodic Table

  1. I would rate myself a 3/5 stars this week. I find the material about orbitals very interesting and difficult to process. I will need to look over my notes and the videos to see where I have the most difficulty. I think what I’m having the most trouble would be how electrons have so many odd properties and how light helps with learning about these electrons. On the bright side, I remembered to do my webpost!

  2. This week I triumphed because I caught on quickly to electron configuration. Through out the week, I did well on my homework and took good notes. I also enjoyed the flame test lab today. I am not looking forward to the test, though. I am still confused on some things, but I am going to start studying now.

  3. This week in chemistry I’d rate myself a 4.5/5

    Triumph: I feel like I really understood the material, and the lab was really easy to me and I’ve definitely have improved on my lab skills.

    Struggle: I’ve been staying up way to late and procrastinating way to much. Other then that I think I’ve done really good this week

  4. I would rate myself a 4/5 this week. I triumphed in understanding all of the content and material this week and my lab partner and I did really well with the lab. I struggled a little bit this week understanding how some elements follow the chart and some don’t, but I will look over and study those.

  5. This week in Chemistry I would rate myself a 3/5. I felt like I understood most of the material that we learned this week, but I think that I need to practice electron configurations a bit more. Since the test is on Tuesday, I plan on looking over some of the material this weekend so that I can review over a few nights instead of one night because I feel like I need to become more familiar with the material.

  6. I really feel like I really understood the material this week and I have stayed on top of my work. I enjoyed learning about electron configuration. I plan on studying this weekend to prevent having to cram Monday night.

  7. I would rate myself a 4/5 this week. I understood the lesson pretty well. My partner and I also did well on the lab and had fun while doing it.

  8. The lab today was so cool, and definitely my favorite so far. I feel like I understood a lot this week, but last week’s concepts are still so abstract to me. I’m trying to study harder for the test next week since it’s the first test of the semester, and I want to start off on the right foot.

  9. I would rate myself 3/5 stars this week. I unfortunately wasn’t there for some of the week, so I will have to watch the vodcasts. However, I thought that the Flame Test lab was extremely fun and interesting. I will definitely be studying hard for the test next week!

  10. This week in chemistry I would rate myself a 4/5. I think I need to work on getting my assignments done earlier in the week, but all in all I think I am understanding the chapter. Also the flame test lab was really fun!

  11. This week I would give myself 3/5 stars. I tried to stay ahead of my work this week, but I didn’t follow-through. In other words, I did not carry out my goal to get on top of all my assignments this week. Even though I rechecked my notes and did some assignments early, I don’t think I did everything in class to the best of my ability. Thus, this week I could’ve been more successful in my goal of growing as a learner if I would’ve worked harder.

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