Physics 11-23-15 Problems Review – Machines, Work, Consv. of Energy . . .

PHYSICS: I love to watch you problem solving together! Since we only did one of the problems on the board, I found a couple of old vodcasts that have others you might find helpful later on.

The first vodcast below is the review of the problems #46 – crate pulled up the incline from the machines homework and #47 – ski acrobat from chapter 5. Below that are the problems #22 – circus monkey on the incline, #21 – diver steps off a diving board, and #46 – a skier is pulled up a slope.

PHYSICS 12-3-14 Help Session: #46 – A Crate and #47 – An Acrobat on Skiis from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by William Hall

…and from today’s class:

PHYSICS 12-3-14 #22 – A Circus Monkey, #21 – A Diver, and #46 – A Skier from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by SabrinaDay Photo

Hon Chemistry 11-23-15 Applications of Radioactivity

HON CHEMISTRY: Radioactive isotopes all around! Did you ever dream there were so many applications of radioactivity? This is a pic of a test used to check on blood flow through the heart during a stress test. Fun, huh!?

So what’s this about you probably having an radioactive isotope in your house?!? Don’t forget to research how smoke detectors, especially those with Americium, work!

Hon Chemistry 11-23-15 Applications of Radioactivity from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Photo by Steve Jabo, NMNH.