Hon Chemistry 11-9-15 Intro to the Modern Atomic Theory

HON CHEMISTRY: Pretty impressive little theory that Dalton came up with, huh? Were you surprised as you made comparisons with the Modern Atomic Theory? Could you now take it a step further and show connections between the three laws we discussed today and Dalton’s atomic theory?

Speaking of impressive – a penny turning to gold – wow!! 🙂

Hon Chemistry 11-9-15 Intro to the Modern Atomic Theory from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Chemistry 11-9-15 One More Mole Problem & Moles of Chalk Lab

CHEMISTRY: Awesome art! And great job on the moles of chalk lab! You set a land speed record for finishing a lab. Good job!

Here is a review of one of the mole problems. At the end of the vodcast, there are instructions for the lab, just in case you were out today. By the way, the lab can be written up on a sheet of paper – just make sure that you present your data and calculations like a scientist would!

Chemistry 11-9-15 One More Mole Problem & Moles of Chalk Lab from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.