Hon Chemistry 5-7-15 pH & Indicators

HON CHEMISTRY – Great work with pH! Good luck with the purple cabbage. I hope your family doesn’t run you out of the house!!

Also, good job on figuring out pH. Acids mean H30+ ions and pH, bases mean OH- ions and pOH. Get the pH of an acid straight from the concentration of the acid. Get the pH of a base by first finding the pOH straight from the concentration of the base and then subtracting that from 14. No problem!! So how do you think someone would use pH?

Don’t forget about learning those indicator colors I told you about. Can you think of anything else that might be a natural indicator? What about tea? Have you noticed how it changes to a lighter shade when you add lemon?

Hon Chemistry 5-8-15 pH & Indicators from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

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3 thoughts on “Hon Chemistry 5-7-15 pH & Indicators

  1. I would rate myself a 4 out of 5 for pH balances. I most of the math right, and I understand how neutralization works. I found it really interesting how hydrangas change colors due to the pH balance. My mom always said it had to do with sunlight. I got to go home and tell her how they really change. Needless to say, she still doesn’t believe me. Haha!

  2. I give myself 4 out of 5 stars for pH this week. I did very well on the homework with the formulas for finding pH and pOH; however, I am going to have to work on learning the chart to tell if a solution is an acid or a base by knowing the pH of the solution.

  3. i rate myself a 2 out of 5 this week because i really really need to nail these balanced chemical equations and i think me and gabe did well in the lab today it was cool how the aluminum wire made the substance bubble and make the test tube a cool then hot temparature

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