Physics 1-12-15 Collisions Problems Review

PHYSICS: Who knew ping pong balls could be so much fun! So why did they shoot so far- did you figured it out?

On to working more of the problems tonight! How are you doing? Check for connections between the conservation of momentum and the conservation of energy. You can do it!

Help session Wednesday morning, 7:15ish A.M.

Physics 1-13-14 Collisions Problems Review from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

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Hon Chemistry 1-12-15 Intro to Quantum Model

HON CHEMISTRY: Happy Monday! Great start on quantum mechanics today!

Here are the video clips that we watched in class today. You really may want to watch them again as you study for the test.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum (not the song!)
Emission Spectrum of Hydrogen
Animated Quantum Video is the one that explains all about why scientists began to believe that electrons could be acting as waves
Quantum Mechanics explains more about the role of the men we studied today in the development of the quantum model of the atom

You will be responsible for the information in all the videos. And they’re all really good, I promise!

Hon Chemistry 1-12-15 Intro to Quantum Model from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Cartoon courtesy of

Chemistry 1-12-15 Applications of Radioactivity

CHEMISTRY: Radioactive isotopes all around! Did you ever dream there were so many applications of radioactivity? Thanks for the great job on adding to the lecture! This is a pic of a test used to check on blood flow through the heart during a stress test. Fun, huh!? Click on the link below the pic to learn more from Cedars-Sinai hospital.

Here’s the lecture from today – applications of radioactive isotopes. We’ll finish fission and fusion tomorrow, and then test on Wednesday! Click here for a copy of the Chapter 21 Stuff to Know & Study Suggestions sheet.

Help session Tuesday morning, 7:15ish A.M.

Chemistry 1-12-15 Applications of Radioactivity from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

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