Hon Chemistry 10-24-14 Mass to Moles to Molecules

HON CHEMISTRY: Awesome job today using chemical formulas as tools! Especially since I did the lessons out of order!!! Here is the correct lesson on working from mass to moles to molecules

So, it turns out there are tons of ways that you can use a chemical formula. Like finding molar mass, moles, and molecules!

P. S. Did you realize how super important it’s going to be for you to be able to correctly write chemical formulas (and memorize all that formula stuff)?!?

HON CHEMISTRY 10-22-13 Molar Mass & Avogadro’s Number with Compounds from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Physics 10-24-14 Forces & Equilibrium

PHYSICS: So, how is the balance in your life? Here’s the lecture from Friday on net force, equilibrium, and equilibrants. Were you experiencing a little déjà vu?

Great job today! Thank you, J. T. and Joey, for being such good sports!!!

PHYSICS 10-24-14 Equilibrium from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Image source phoenix.fanster.com/…/2009/08/tug-o-war1.jpg

Chemistry 10-24-14 Chemical Formula Practice

CHEMISTRY – Yeah, don’t you wish it was as easy as this rule? The rules for writing chemical formulas, I mean. But no, it seems like there are about 50 million, and you have to keep them all straight! What is the one thing that would help you the most with this? Memorizing polyatomic ions? Memorizing rules for naming? More practice?

Here’s my best advice – first, memorize what you are supposed to memorize – polyatomic ions, rules, etc. Next, organize your notes into what you do for ionic compounds, those with metals and polyatomic ions, and what you do for molecules, those with only nonmetals and metalloids. Next, analyze every single compound you have to name or write a formula for – is it ionic? then you only use the Stock system. Is it a molecule – then you can use the Stock system or prefixes. Do you see what I mean?

Still a little fuzzy? The first vodcast below is from today’s class – it has the correct answers for the chemical names for common substances that you need to know for the test and a little practice with chemical formulas. The vocast below that one is from the help session this morning. VERY HELPFUL if you are still having trouble!!!

Don’t just try to wing it! You’ve got the tools you need, now go use them!! (P. S. Polyatomic ion quiz Monday!!!!)

CHEMISTRY 10-24-14 Chemical Names for Common Substances from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by Gord McKenna

CHEMISTRY 10-24-14 Chemical Formulas Help Session from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.