Hon Chemistry 10-20-14 Binary Molecular Formulas

HON CHEMISTRY: Okay, I’m not saying that learning to name and write chemical formulas is as bad as a jellyfish sting (you’ll get that in a minute!), but you do have to really, really pay attention to the details!! Here’s our discussion on writing formulas and names for binary molecular compounds. Part of it’s really similar to what you learned to do last week for ionic compounds, don’t you think? The other part is totally different, though!

Make sure you keep everything straight. Find a way to organize all the information for yourself so you won’t get confused. Also, don’t forget the lists you have to memorize – chemical names for common substances, polyatomic ions, acids, and numerical prefixes. And practice, practice, practice!!!

HON CHEMISTRY 10-20-14 Binary Molecular Formulas from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Image source casch52


Chemistry 10-20-14 Intro to Chemical Names & Formulas

CHEMISTRY: Great job today learning to name binary ionic compounds – and even begin to write formulas! Tomorrow let crank it up a notch and write formulas for compounds with polyatomic ions. Speaking of those, what is your plan for all the memorization in this chapter? Word of warning – don’t wait to the last minute!!

Super important – the secret for the next few days is DON’T GET BEHIND! Keep up with me and practice, practice, practice!

CHEMISTRY 10-20-14 Intro to Chemical Names & Formulas from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.