Chemistry 5-7-14 Activity Series

CHEMISTRY: Wow! We finished the chapter!! No you get to go and practice what you’ve learned – especially the activity series.

Practice, practice, practice! Don’t forget, you have to memorize the 17 types of chemical reactions and the activity series, but you also have to apply them! You need to know them so well, that it becomes second nature to you. I’ll be praying for you as you begin to study for the test!!:)

CHEMISTRY 5-7-14 Activity Series from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by Frans Persoon

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62 thoughts on “Chemistry 5-7-14 Activity Series

  1. In doing Boyle’s Law lab, I found it very interesting how the marshmallow expanded when the pressure was released, and when the pressure was added, the marshmallow compacted together.

  2. I really enjoyed the gummy bear experiment today. It really helped me to see how a chemical changed occurred. I knew it was a chemical change by the dark precipitate that was left in the tube and the light produced. It also helped me to know that the amount of energy that the experiment gave off was exothermic.

  3. The lab we did in class today was cool. It put in perspective how when I am working on problems I need to think it through. At first we all thought it was endothermic because we had to add heat, but in the end it was exothermic.

  4. The Boyle s law lab was so cool! I loved seeing the marshmallow expand when I pulled the syringe out and then shrink when I pushed in. I cannot believe this year is over. I loved all the fun activities we did! Thank you for a great year!

  5. Te gummy bear excitement we did really surprised me about what happened. I didn’t expect it to react like that.

  6. I enjoyed the gummy bear experiment today! It’s been a challenging year, but I also found it very rewarding!

  7. I like the experiment that we did with the bags and the hot air. I did not know that the bag would go almost to the ceiling.

  8. I thought it was neat how when we put air pressure on the ballon it expanded and when we took it off the balloon went back to it’s normal shape.

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