Are You Ready for the Exam?!?

flickr photo by NinJA999

WOW! It has been an incredibly awesome year for me, and I hope it has been for you too! God bless you as you are studying for your chemistry & honors chemistry exam! If you need a break, check out this awesome review of the elements: The Element Song or this New Periodic Table Song, but don’t get distracted by the challenge!!

It is super, super important so study YOUR VERY BEST and remember to practice, practice, practice! This exam can make a HUGE difference in your average. FINISH STRONG, like you’ve been working all year!! Make flashcards out of the vocab, formulas, types of chemical reactions, etc. Practice writing chemical formulas, balancing equations, working the problems – try the practice tests on the online textbook or on, they’ll be really helpful. And get yourself plenty of snacks! 🙂

How’s the exam review coming? You know, I don’t just give you that thing for the extra credit. I give it to you because it will help you get organized and help you remember everything that’s going to be on the exam. As you answer each topic, keep studying it, if you’re having trouble!

REGULAR CHEMISTRY – be sure and get a copy of the UPDATED exam review packet! I deleted some of the items at the end and added a few that we’ve be talking about for the last couple of days Check under the worksheet tab if you need another copy. God bless you, I’m praying for you!!

flickr photo by NinJA999

Hon Chemistry 5-15-14 Intro to Colligative Properties

HON CHEMISTRY: Oh no, we didn’t – did we? The last lecture of the year? No way!!!!

It’s been an awesome year, and I’m blessed to have had you guys in honors chemistry. Now go forth and conquer the exam!!

HON CHEMISTRY 5-16-13 Intro to Colligative Properties from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Chemistry 5-14-14 Pressure & Intro to Gas Laws

CHEMISTRY – Who knew there was so much cool stuff to learn about gases? Here’s the overview we did of two of the last two gas laws – Boyle’s law and Charles Law. Can you think of some everyday applications? Have fun with the take home lab – and don’t eat too many marshmallows!!

flickr photo by meg

Acids, Bases, & Intro to pH, 5-8-14

Great intro to the properties of acids and bases! Do you think you can apply them now?

You did a great job on figuring out pH. Acids mean H30+ ions and pH, bases mean OH- ions and pOH. Get the pH of an acid straight from the concentration of the acid. Get the pH of a base by first finding the pOH straight from the concentration of the base and then subtracting that from 14. No problem!! So how do you think someone would use pH?

Don’t forget about learning those indicator colors I told you about. Can you think of anything else that might be a natural indicator? What about tea? Have you noticed how it changes to a lighter shade when you add lemon?

HON CHEMISTRY 5-8-14 Acids & Bases & pH from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Chemistry 5-7-14 Activity Series

CHEMISTRY: Wow! We finished the chapter!! No you get to go and practice what you’ve learned – especially the activity series.

Practice, practice, practice! Don’t forget, you have to memorize the 17 types of chemical reactions and the activity series, but you also have to apply them! You need to know them so well, that it becomes second nature to you. I’ll be praying for you as you begin to study for the test!!:)

CHEMISTRY 5-7-14 Activity Series from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by Frans Persoon

Chemistry 5-6-14 Double Replacement & Combustion Rxns

CHEMISTRY: Wow! Can you believe we finished all 17! Here’s the lecture on the review and new notes on double replacement and combustion reactions. Now that you’ve got everything on paper, let’s tweak it all a bit more tomorrow!

Did you get the homework update? It’s on page 278, and you don’t have to re-do #27.

Need some extra help? Help session/review on writing chemical formulas Thursday morning, 7:20 A.M., and help session/practice on completing and writing chemical formulas Friday morning, 7:15ish A.M. Let’s confirm tomorrow in class!

HON CHEMISTRY 3-25-14 Double Replacement & Combustion Reactions from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Hon Chemistry 5-5-14 Decomposition & Single Replacement Reactions

HON CHEMISTRY: Happy Monday! Here’s a lecture from today on decomposition and single replacement reactions – and you also got a head start on the activity series!

This makes 15 reactions so far, and we’ll do the rest tomorrow. Careful though, don’t just memorize them. Make sure you can apply them as well. When you start to work any equation, first determine what type of reaction it is, then figure out what rule applies and follow it to determine the products. I believe in you! You can do it!!

CHEMISTRY 5-5-14 Decomposition & Single Replacement Reactions from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by bobtravis
