Chemistry 4-30-14 Balancing Chemical Equations Practice

CHEMISTRY: Okay, maybe balancing equations isn’t exactly like this, but…..

Great practice today! Do you feel better about balancing equations? Here’s a review of balancing equations that might help!

HON CHEMISTRY 3-20-14 Balancing Equations Practice from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by D. Sharon Pruitt, Pink Sherbet Photography

Hon Chemistry 4-29-14 Gas Laws

HON CHEMISTRY: From Tuesday, our first look at the gas laws: Boyle’s law, Charles Law, Gay-Lussac’s law . These guys did great work – and you’ve got to love their hair!!

Be sure you use Kelvin in the problems – not Celcius. And make double dog sure you use the formulas correctly! Rearrange that thing – no plug and play!!

HON CHEMISTRY 4-29-14 Gas Laws from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by wine me up

Chemistry 4-29-14 Describing Chemical Reactions

CHEMISTRY: So tell me again – how do you know if a chemical reaction has occurred? Here’s the lecture on the evidences of a chemical change and the intro to balancing chemical equations. Great to be back to chemistry!

CHEMISTRY 4-29-14 Describing Chemical Reactions from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by Chealion

Hon Chemistry 4-28-14 Kinetic Molecular Theory & Pressure

HON CHEMISTRY: Who knew there could be so much to learn about gases! And we’ve only just begun! Here’s the lecture on the kinetic molecular theory and our beginning discussion of pressure.

HON CHEMISTRY 4-28-14 Kinetic Molecular Theory & Pressure from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by ahhyeah

Physics 4-23-14 Refraction

PHYSICS: Hey guys, you did such a great job with the reflection of light, let’s take it one step further! So light can bend? Here’s our crazy start from today. I still say I could have gotten through all 56 slides!

PHYSICS 4-23-14 Refraction Overview from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by Steve took it

Chemistry 4-20-14 Intermolecular Forces

CHEMISTRY: Well, here it is, the very last lecture from chapter 6 – intermolecular forces. (Don’t forget they’re also called van der Waals forces!) Tons of application, from bugs walking on water to little fishes breathing dissolved oxygen!

April21 0321 c7 2014 from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Image source
