Physics 3-26-14 Waves

PHYSICS: Hey guys! Here’s the lecture on the properties of waves. Problems are pretty simple for you, I think. Do you remember the main formula from chemistry? Speed = wavelength x frequency (c = λf).

Easy peasy – and don’t forget the applications!

PHYSICS 3-27-14 Waves from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

Hon Chemistry 3-26-14 The Activity Series

HON CHEMISTRY: Well, here it is, the last of the lectures from chapter 8. A couple of things – make sure you’ve memorized the activity series, but just as importantly, make sure you know how to use it! Those guidelines I gave you in class should really help. Now, lets go out and see if you can apply what you’ve learned!

HON CHEMISTRY 3-26-14 Activity Series from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.