Physics 9-6-13 Pelicans & Rockets (Chapter 2 Overview, Pt. 1)

PHYSICS – Happy Friday! Here’s the beginning of the overview of chapter 2. Towards the end – the pelican problem and a start on the rocket that stopped. Or did it?

Are you becoming more comfortable with working problems? When selecting formulas, it’s always a good idea to ask yourself “Why?”. Why can you use this formula? Why is it legit? Why is it the best one? Is there a better route to the solution? And then, continue to practice them over and over til it starts to become second nature! Btw – did we come to a final decision about a help session Tuesday morning?

I really appreciate your work this week! Have a great weekend!! 🙂

PHYSICS 9-6-13 Chapter 2 Overview, Pt. 1 from Tammy Skinner on Vimeo.

flickr photo by w4nd3rl0st (InspiredinDesMoines)

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3 thoughts on “Physics 9-6-13 Pelicans & Rockets (Chapter 2 Overview, Pt. 1)

    • The Human Density and Tissue box drop labs can be turned in by hand. The other two are due Wednesday on Google drive. So I’m guessing tomorrow by midnight?

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